Dear John,

The deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Nina Pop, and David McAtee have once again exposed the ugly truth about systemic racism and anti-Blackness in America. Justice is long past due for the countless Black Americans who have lost their lives to police brutality and white supremacist violence, and we stand in solidarity with those calling for an end to these injustices. We have joined our partners and allies in The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights to demand Congress to take the following actions to end police brutality immediately:

Many of our supporters, affiliated student organizations, and members have already taken action by donating their money and/or time; protesting in their communities; educating their friends, families, and peers; participating in mutual aid efforts; amplifying Black voices on social media; and writing to elected officials and police department officials to push for legislative and policy change.

We have put together a list of vital resources to help you continue (or start) taking action and stay in the fight against racial injustice. We have included racial justice and civil rights organizations who are doing this work everyday, as well as actions you can take right now and ways to further educate yourself on racial justice and allyship.

Click here to view the articles, books, videos, and films we believe can help make us all stronger allies in the fight against racism and injustice.
For Equality,

The Feminist Majority Foundation Team


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