
While America is focused on the chaos inside her borders, your friends at We Build The Wall remain laser focused on our goal: maintaining order at the Southern border. 

Unfortunately, chaos from Mexico in Central America is about to be unleashed upon us.

When the Chinese coronavirus lockdowns end, we expect there to be a SURGE like never before in illegal alien activity at the Southern border. 

That’s why We Build The Wall, along with our friends in Border Patrol, need you to dig down deep today and help us maintain order.

By June 30th, the date we expect Mexico and Central America to reopen, we need to raise $500,000. 

We’re well on our way to meeting our goal, and every dollar you contribute helps us build more miles of border wall in critical, highly-trafficked areas known for illegal alien crossings. 

Together, we can help our Border Patrol agents who are already stretched thin, and we can prevent a massive wave of criminal illegal aliens from crossing into the United States. 

It’s not just about stopping illegal aliens at the border, either. 

Walls serve as a deterrent. 

If you step up and help us build more CRITICAL miles of wall, illegal aliens might decide not to travel North in the first place.

We can Stop the coming Surge, and prevent future Surges, but only if we come together as Patriots and do our part.

Thank you in advance. 


Brian Kolfage

P.S. We know there’s chaos happening all around us. If we allow a surge of illegal aliens to cross the border in the coming months, the chaos will only be multiplied