From Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject WEBINAR 6/11: Talk with Jonathan Greenblatt about Standing Up in the Face of Hate in America Today
Date June 9, 2020 6:53 PM
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Dear John,

I am writing today to invite you to
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join me this Thursday June 11, at 2:30 PM ET / 11:30 AM PT for a Fighting Hate from Home discussion about these extraordinary times.

After the horrific murder of George Floyd, and after so many other senseless deaths, millions of people took to the streets and said that enough is enough. And they are absolutely right.

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I look forward to speaking with you Thursday, and answering your questions about what must be done by ADL to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Black community, and address the institutional racism entrenched both in law enforcement and throughout our society. We will also share profound insights from Van Jones, Jennifer Rubin, Andrew Yang and Eric Garcetti, who all addressed this past weekend&rsquo;s annual summit of ADL leaders.

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WEBINAR: &ldquo;Standing Up in the Face of Hate in America Today&rdquo;

Thursday, June 11
2:30 PM ET / 1:30 PM CT / 12:30 PM MT / 11:30 AM PT

In this Fighting Hate from Home webinar, I will outline ADL&rsquo;s planned actions to confront this devastating national crisis in the wake of the murder of George Floyd and answer your questions.


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- Van Jones, an activist and CNN Contributor, about how ADL can help combat the infiltration of the police by hate groups, to ensure that the vital work of law enforcement is not undone by lawlessness.
- Andrew Yang, founder of Humanity Forward, about the tinderbox formed when tens of millions of Americans are unemployed.
- Eric Garcetti, the Mayor of Los Angeles about the practical steps Los Angeles is taking to address the root causes of hate.
- Jennifer Rubin,Washington Post columnist, about how she and her fellow members of the press have a duty to speak out for decency.
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I will also share updates from our Center on Extremism on how radicals &mdash; from the far right, anarchists and the far left &mdash; are seeking to exploit this time to fan the flames of hatred, all against the backdrop of the largest spike in antisemitism that ADL has ever tracked in the United States.

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Please join me Thursday for this Fighting Hate from Home webinar so we can talk about how to speak up, share facts and show strength as we confront this crisis.

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Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. Systemic injustice and inequality call for systemic change. Now. Join us and urge Congress to take a stand condemning all acts of police brutality, racial profiling, and the use of excessive force throughout the country by passing H. Res. 988.
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