The murder of George Floyd has sparked a reckoning across our country.
At a time when our nation is struck with the grief, anger, and pain of persistent systemic racism, President Barack Obama’s message last week was welcome leadership from a real president. As he wrote on Medium, protests and politics today are not mutually exclusive—but necessary in tandem:
“If we want to bring about real change, then the choice isn’t between protest and politics. We have to do both.”
It’s critical we elect antiracist leaders up and down the ballot who will work to eradicate systemic racism and ensure justice for all. As Obama notes:
“When we think about politics, a lot of us focus only on the presidency and the federal government...But the elected officials who matter most in reforming police departments and the criminal justice system work at the state and local levels.”
State legislatures are one of the most powerful points of leverage—on policing, voting, and dismantling systemic racism throughout our government and society. This is no time for silence or inaction. We hear President Obama’s call and will redouble our efforts to win the most important state legislative chambers in the country.
As Obama concludes, “Let’s get to work."
In solidarity,
David Cohen
Forward Majority