America is in crisis as riots erupt in streets all across our county.
It's been said, "the most privileged are using the most desperate in our society to seize power from the rest of us." We can't believe what's happening in our country.
Social distancing? That doesn't seem to be an issue anymore.
But some politicians, as they nod in approval to the looting and violence that is engulfing us, insist on singling out church members and pastors, by not allowing them the same rights to meet as they do other politically-connected organizations. Since the virus sidelined the country in mid-March, it's estimated over 250,000 babies have been aborted in America, but some churches still can't meet in fellowship. What can Americans do to make their voice heard?
At PJI, we stand in the gap by protecting and defending average Americans against politicians' overreach in issues involving religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties. And we do all of this free of charge.
Would you consider a special gift to Pacific Justice Institute? Even $5 can make a BIG difference.
But we all know freedom, including protecting religious freedom, isn’t free.
We've brought lawsuits against the governors of Oregon, Washington and California because of their unconstitutional overreach. We are answering the call and making our stand here and now. Will you help us today fight for all of our rights by making a special donation to PJI?
Did you know that compared to other legal defense organizations, more of your PJI donation goes toward the work of protecting and defending our freedoms? We strive to be the best stewards possible. Thank you for your consideration.

Running the Race,
Brad Dacus
Pacific Justice Institute