Vote for EPI today to support the research behind the movement for progressive economic change.
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Exposing and understanding the root causes of systemic racism, inequities, and injustice in our nation's economy is an essential step to develop, advocate for, and implement policy solutions.
EPI exposes the truth about the glaring and growing inequality in the United States impacting working families—disparities that are disproportionately experienced by Black people.
This month, you can support EPI with your vote. Click here to vote for EPI and support the research behind our movement for progressive economic change. ([link removed])
VOTE FOR EPI ([link removed])
People throughout our country are hurting. Tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Nearly 2 million people have confirmed cases of COVID-19, and more than 106,000 have died.
While it is true COVID-19 has affected everyone in some way, the magnitude and nature of the impact has been anything but universal. EPI research ([link removed]) has found Black and Hispanic workers face much more economic and health insecurity from COVID-19 than white workers.
EPI's economists have made clear that the devastating effects of COVID-19 on the economic and physical well-being of Black Americans were entirely predictable given deep and pervasive economic and health disparities.
Elise Gould and Valerie Wilson's recent EPI report states, "The pandemic and related job losses have been especially devastating for black households because they have historically suffered from higher unemployment rates, lower wages, lower incomes, and much less savings to fall back on, as well as significantly higher poverty rates than their white counterparts."
EPI's Naomi Walker led a recent discussion on the dire ramifications COVID-19 presents for Black Americans. Our discussion details why that unequal burden was predictable given a long history of racial exclusion, discrimination, and inequality in the United States. Take a moment to watch that conversation here. ([link removed])
For more than 30 years, EPI researchers have used the tools of economic analysis and empirical research to expose the truth about the glaring and growing inequality in the United States impacting working families—disparities that are disproportionately experienced by Black people.
To keep our critical research going, we need your support. But today, we are asking you to support EPI without making a contribution! Our friends at CREDO Mobile have selected EPI to receive a share of $150,000 in funding this month. Here's how it works: The more votes we get, the larger share of funding we receive.
So, we are not asking for donations. But we do need you to take a moment and vote for EPI today! ([link removed])
VOTE NOW ([link removed])
Click here to vote for EPI today to support the research behind the movement for progressive economic change. ([link removed])
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4. Click vote now ([link removed])
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Click here to vote for EPI, and fuel our efforts to produce the critical research policy makers and activists alike are utilizing to advance our movement for progressive economic change. All you have to do is VOTE! ([link removed])
Exposing and understanding the root causes of systemic racism, inequities, and injustice in our nation's economy is an essential step to develop, advocate for, and implement policy solutions.
Thank you for all you do to fight for an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few.
Thea Lee
President, Economic Policy Institute
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