Friend --
Last week, hundreds of thousands of Americans -- in all 50 states -- marched to demand justice for the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the countless other Black people whose lives have been cut short at the hands of the police.
The power of these protests is undeniable. They’ve forced the reality of racist policing and state-sanctioned violence against Black Americans front and center, and yielded small victories that were unthinkable just two weeks ago.
But the work is far from over.
No matter the gains that will be made during this incredible moment, the fight to end police violence and systemic racism will not be won overnight. It’s up to us to do everything in our power to support the organizations on the ground who have been carrying this fight and will continue to do so.
We’re committed to supporting the work to confront systemic racism and we want you with us. Will you make a split donation to 10 of the organizations doing this vital activism every day? Help to show them that the Stand Up America community stands in solidarity with the movement for Black lives. Donate now:
These organizations are all working to advance racial justice and build Black power. They are also providing essential services to Black people in a time when they are needed the most. Your generous donation will allow them to take on bigger and more ambitious projects -- and continue to fight for a safer, more just America.
We are so moved by the courage, vision, and power of those rising up in the streets right now against white supremacy and anti-Black violence. But there’s still more work to be done.
We rarely fundraise at Stand Up America, but last week, we raised $152,000 in support of these groups. We are blown away by the generosity of each and every one of you. Let’s see if we can double that this week! Click here to make a donation today: 
We’re so proud to stand with you in this moment. Thank you for all you do.
Stand Up America