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As a Catholic network inspired by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the witness of the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador and their companions, the Ignatian Solidarity Network believes in the dignity of each and every person. We denounce racism in all forms and commit to working with our network to confront white supremacy and systemic racial injustice.
There are no easy answers, but our faith can be an important lens through which to analyze the realities of racial injustice and to discern steps towards social action. Below, accompanied by justice news from our network, find reflections and resources from a Catholic, Jesuit perspective to guide you in your own discernment in your work toward racial justice.
Christopher Kerr | Executive Director
The trial for the 1989 killings of six Jesuit priests and their housekeeper and her daughter began yesterday in Madrid, Spain.
Bishop Murry was a keynote speaker at the 2018 Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice, drawing from his role as former chair of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee Against Racism.
During his weekly general audience on June 3, Pope Francis addressed the killing of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020.
Faith cannot be comfortable. Yet my white privilege allows it to be. Fr. Bryan Massingale encourages us to “sit in the discomfort this hard truth brings.” And to bring these hard truths to prayer.
As white allies for racial justice, the Ignatian Examen can guide us to be aware not only of the world around us, but how we move, act, and love within it.
White apathy must be overcome in order to move toward racial justice. A Jesuit brother proposes four ways to challenge that apathy.
Fellow white people: Recognize your inherent racism. It’s painful. I recognize mine. I’m angry at myself and my race and my society.
Register for tomorrow's event and watch previous events with Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J.,
Dr. Marcia Chatelain, Sr. Helen Prejean, and more!
Voices from across the network draw us into confronting white supremacy and systemic racism in our lives, network, Church, and society.
Education for Justice is ISN's subscription-based digital library of 2,500+ resources, including prayer services, discussion guides, guided reflections, and much more.
Join ISN's first virtual Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice, the largest annual Catholic social justice gathering in the U.S.!
Migration issue newcomers and activists are invited to engage in a mix of recorded and live programming, focused on learning, networking, skill building, action planning, reflection, and collaboration.