Folks –


Words matter. Words can define or divide. Word can damage and words can become action that changes the narrative and the course of history.

Donald Trump’s own words have clearly defined him – HE is a racist – and no reasonable individual would argue any longer that it’s open to debate. 


Trump’s words are meant to divide us and distract from the promises HE broke. His words have damaged America’s standing abroad, inflamed tensions here at home, and caused incalculable pain to untold millions – including innocent children – in our name. 


If you believe in hope over hate, progress over division, and real change over the unspoken, tolerated status quo, then you are essential to the movement we are building!


As they try to divide, we unite; as they rally for hate, we march peacefully; and as they work to silence us and take us backward, together, we will raise our voices so loud that the strength of our ideals will carry us forward.


The contrast between Donald Trump, Republicans, and the rest of us is clear, and where we stand now will define us for generations to come. Chip in $5, $10, $25, or any amount to ensure this November we bring an end to the Trump era of division and hate once and for all. 


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We owe it to our friends, family, fellow citizens, and future generations to stand up for what we believe in and what America has always been about — equality, liberty, and justice FOR ALL.


If we’re united, refuse to stay silent or back down, and always, ALWAYS, fight forward, together, we will succeed and our best days will once again be yet to come.

In this together,
Michigan Dems


Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate committee.

*Contributions to the Michigan Democratic Party are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Your contribution will be used in connection with federal elections and is subject to the limitations and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act. Federal law requires political committees to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $200.00 in a calendar year. If you no longer want to hear from MDP, click here to unsubscribe. Questions or concerns? Contact us here.

This email was sent by the Michigan Democratic Party | Building a Stronger Michigan

606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933