George Floyd was murdered for being black. But this is not an isolated incident.

Black folks are faced with police violence and systematic racism on a daily basis.

We must commit to meaningful reforms such as:

  • Banning the use of chokeholds
  • Preventing problem officers from changing jurisdictions to avoid accountability
  • Setting restrictions on the transfer of military-grade equipment to state and local law enforcement
  • Requiring de-escalation, sensitivity & implicit bias training

We all must resist these injustices and support the organizers who are demanding necessary change!

Peaceful protestors aren’t bad guys, they are citizens.

The military should not be used against the American people. Militarized police make communities less safe by growing the divide between officers and citizens they are sworn to protect.

These protestors inspire me everyday and I want to do everything in my power to support them.

If you are able, please consider supporting one of these organizations fighting against racism and police brutality:

- Philanthropy Initiative’s Social Justice Fund >>
- George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center Restoration Fund >>
- Arizona Center for African American Resources >>
- NAACP >>
- Black Mother’s Forum >>

All lives can’t matter until black lives matter.

Ruben Gallego



Ruben Gallego is a Marine veteran and member of Congress from Arizona.

His #1 priority is electing Democrats up and down the ballot in Arizona in 2020 -- our best chance to flip this state blue in decades.

We know you're getting a lot of emails -- but it's because flipping Arizona blue is going to take a massive grassroots campaign.

We need to educate, empower, and register thousands of new Democrats. We need to make sure everyone knows there's more at stake than just the presidency. We need to turn out every voter in every corner of this state.

And we need your help to do it.


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Paid for by Gallego for Arizona