Dear Partners, 

Alongside Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL) and the National Coalition of STD Directors, Families USA invites you to join us tomorrow – Wednesday, June 10, at 3:00 pm EST for a webinar on "Test, Trace, and Space: Investing in a Health Workforce to Prevent Pandemic Spread". 

As states and communities continue to re-open, the term “contact tracing” – like that of “flatten the curve” – has suddenly become a part of our regular national dialogue. In order to realize the vision of contact tracing and stem the tide of community spread of COVID-19, one critical component is ensuring an adequate and well-trained workforce.
Register for the Webinar
Join us to learn more about the work being done in Congress through the Health Force and Resilience Force Act of 2020, lessons learned from STD contact tracing efforts, and the ready workforce of Community Health Workers.

Featured Speakers Include: 
  • Representative Lauren Underwood (D-IL)
  • Kelly Murphy, Director of Early Childhood and Maternal Health, Families USA 
This is our second webinar in a five part series on COVID-19 response strategies. We hope you'll be able to join us on Wednesday, June 10 for this informative webinar!

To your health, 

Raven Gomez, 
Partnerships Coordinator 
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