June 9, 2020
Latest columns
So, let us pray
Rev. Mark H. Creech
What is freedom?
Judie Brown

June 8, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

June 8, 2020
Slams Dems at Senate Judiciary hearing: 'This is an absolute outrage and abuse of power'
BITCHUTE ? At Friday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz gave an overview of the "corruption and abuse of power" the Obama administration directed against candidate and then president Donald Trump, as Obama and his inner circle used the FBI, CIA, law enforcement, and intelligence community to "target the opposition" through illegal wiretaps, spying, intercepting of phone calls, and fraudulent altering of emails.... (more)

June 8, 2020

June 8, 2020
Media seized on faulty research claiming hydroxychloroquine deadly for COVID-19 patients
ART MOORE ? The politicization of the COVID-19 treatment promoted by President Trump, hydroxychloroquine, has taken another dramatic turn with a premiere medical journal's retraction of a widely reported study that led to the shutdown of major clinical trials.... (more)

June 8, 2020
REAL CLEAR POLITICS ? Attorney General Bill Barr disputed CBS host Margaret Brennan's insistence that protests this week in Lafayette Park near the White House were entirely peaceful. "Let me get to this. This has been totally obscured by the media. They broke into the Treasury Department. And they were injuring police," he said.... (more)

June 7, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf on Sunday credited "early action" by the Trump administration -- including federal law enforcement in Washington, D.C. -- to more peaceful protests in recent days.... (more)

June 7, 2020
'We worked tirelessly to turn around the city's most violent neighborhood'
WORLDNETDAILY ? A prominent black pastor on Chicago's South Side laments that the rioting and looting that have engulfed protests of the death of George Floyd have erased years of progress in his community, placing ultimate blame on liberal political policies.... (more)

June 7, 2020
BREITBART ? Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Friday ordered National Guard troops in Washington, DC, to disarm and wear soft caps instead of helmets, an official told Breitbart News on Friday afternoon. The official said the president told Attorney General Bill Barr that he wanted the National Guard to be armed so that they could protect themselves from rioters and looters coming in to the city, but Esper on his own told the D.C. National Guard leadership to take the weapons of National Guardsmen who were coming in from other states.... (more)

June 7, 2020
Instigators of violence aim to 'do dangerous things as safely as possible'
WORLDNETDAILY ? An undercover video released Thursday by James O'Keefe's Project Veritas shows an instructor for the far-left militant movement Antifa teaching newcomers how to injure people.... (more)

June 6, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Planned Parenthood joined a long list of companies and organizations showing solidarity with the protests that have broken out across the nation in response to the death of George Floyd in police custody. The nation's largest abortion provider sent out a tweet Monday that demonstrated a startling lack of self-awareness.... (more)

June 6, 2020
YOUTUBE ? If this seems like another episode of the silly and fleeting hysteria that sometimes grips our culture, you should know that it's not. It's real and the people pushing it are deadly serious.... (more)

June 6, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Leftist movement gains support across U.S.; reaction and analysis on 'The Five.'... (more)

June 6, 2020
'Looting and destruction harm blacks'
YOUTUBE ? 'When you do that, they don't come after you. They'll come after us.' -- Black activists protesting peacefully for George Floyd are begging white people to stop looting and destroying public property during demonstrations.... (more)

June 6, 2020
Explains latest developments in war against Trump; clarifies Insurrection Act
YOUTUBE ? White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany holds a press conference.... (more)

June 4, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? On Christmas Eve in 2009, 60 Senate Democrats cast their final votes to approve Obamacare, which was finally voted on again by the House and enacted into law on March 23, 2010. It was only two months into Barack Obama's first term when they magically produced the exhaustively detailed, 2,300-page bill that became law. But it turns out it wasn't magic.... (more)

June 4, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? America needs Jesus. No greater reminder of that fact can be seen than the recent protests in the streets of the nation. The anger against what happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis last week is justified. The violence and looting that came in the wake of protests is not.... (more)

June 4, 2020
REV. MARK H. CREECH ? The Facebook posts that ran across my thread said, "Anyone feeling like we're back in the 60s again?" I was just a boy during the sixties, but I remember those days quite well. One night, my parents had sent me to bed early. My bedroom door was still open, and so I could hear what was on the television in the den. The evening news was about the race riots in the streets, buildings burning, people screaming at one another in anger, gunshots, and death.... (more)

June 4, 2020
'They should be thanking him'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Evangelist Franklin Graham on Wednesday chastised clergy who criticized President Trump for walking across the street from the White House and holding up a Bible in front of St. John's Episcopal Church after it was burned during protests of the death of George Floyd.... (more)

June 4, 2020
NEW YORK POST ? A Michigan woman faces up to 10 years behind bars for encouraging others to loot and throw bricks at buildings in a Facebook Live video, according to a report. Alexandria "Ally" Lyons posted the livestreamed video over the weekend during riots in Grand Rapids that left more than 100 businesses damaged, MLive.com reported.... (more)

June 3, 2020
NEW YORK POST ? The head of the Minneapolis police union says George Floyd's "violent criminal history" needs to be remembered and that the protests over his death are the work of a "terrorist movement."... (more)

June 3, 2020
Official statement refutes claims by Dems

June 3, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Media rips President Trump over civil unrest in America, and Fox News' The Five responds with sound facts, illustrations of irresponsible media rhetoric, and common sense.... (more)

June 3, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, calls out episcopal minister for judging the president's faith.... (more)

June 3, 2020
Report ultimately deemed death a 'homicide' due to 'neck compression' that led to heart attack
WORLDNETDAILY ? George Floyd had fentanyl in his system and had recently used methamphetamine before his death, which was ruled a homicide, according to a county medical examiner autopsy released Monday.... (more)

June 1, 2020
MICHELLE MALKIN ? Dear law-abiding Americans: You have done nothing wrong. Being white is not a crime. Being a Trump voter is not a crime. Being a police officer sworn to "protect and serve" every day is not a crime. Being a non-white police officer proud to uphold and enforce law and order is not a crime. Being a black or brown or yellow American who rejects excusing criminal behavior is not a crime.... (more)

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