Top 10 Stories Featuring Atlas Network’s Investments in Freedom
Upward Globility, a new video series produced by Atlas Network that explores how people flourish when they are free to make choices that unleash innovation and change, launched on YouTube on June 1. The new series, hosted by our very own Vale Sloane, focuses on stories of our partners that are working to create prosperity for all by supporting local opportunities for entrepreneurship, education, and community growth.
Originally offered only in English, Think Tank Basics covers fundamental concepts guiding think tanks that focus on the principles of individual liberty, property rights, limited government, free enterprise, and the rule of law. With the online program now available in Spanish, French, and Portuguese, Atlas Network's partners can offer training opportunities to larger local audiences.
At a time when food insecurity threatens millions of people in Indonesia, two new policy reforms spearheaded by the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies will expedite food imports and other strategic materials.
The Arab Center for Research’s work to promote international trade has resulted in adjustments to Morocco's PortNet, the nation's international trade digital infrastructure platform, to incorporate additional features that increase its accessibility.
Costa Rican think tank IDEAS Labs has won the 2020 Latin America Liberty Award for their "#TicosConCorona” initiative, which has successfully slashed luxury pensions in the Central American nation.
The Spanish think tank Fundación para el Avance de la Libertad (Fundalib) has won the 2020 Europe Liberty Award for their Index on the Economic Freedom of Spain’s Cities, which examines municipal data that impacts the economic freedom of cities throughout Spain and makes recommendations that will strengthen local economies.
“Good Jobs for Michigan” was a state corporate subsidy program that cost taxpayers an estimated $40,000 for every job it claimed to have created. “This success demonstrated the power of Atlas Network partners working together,” writes Center for Economic Accountability’s John Mozena in this analysis for Atlas Network.
Atlas Network’s annual Regional Liberty Forums went virtual in 2020, with online conferences in Europe and Latin America examining shared challenges, trends, and opportunities in those regions. Europe Liberty Forum featured renowned author Johan Norberg and Foreign Editor of The Economist Robert Guest. Attendees at Latin America Liberty Forum heard from María Corina Machado (a former member of the Venezuelan national assembly and 2012 presidential candidate) and Juan José Daboub, former managing director of the World Bank.
Ron Manners, Chairman of Mannkal Economic Education Foundation, has been named an Officer of the Order of Australia in the 2020 Queen's Birthday Honours List. The citation for his award is for “distinguished service to the minerals and mining sectors, and to youth through philanthropic support for educational initiatives.” Atlas Network will honor Ron Manners’ extraordinary legacy of liberty with the 2020 Sir Antony Fisher Achievement Award, which will be presented on Thursday, November 12 during Liberty Forum & Freedom Dinner.
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June 17 – 18, 2020 | Online
Africa Liberty Forum 2020 Online
November 11 – 12, 2020 | New York City, New York
Liberty Forum & Freedom Dinner
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Available Now | Online
Think Tank Basics (English, Spanish, French, Portuguese)
June 11 | Online
Webinar: How to Make Your Board a Headline, Not a Headache
July 13 – August 21 | Online
Think Tank Navigator
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August 15 | Deadline to Apply
Illiberalism Grant
August 15 | Deadline to Apply
Poverty & Freedom Grant 
August 15 | Deadline to Apply
Project/Other Grant
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