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The Prime Minister is set to unveil a range of measures to ease the lockdown and restart the economy from June 15, including holding weddings outdoors, sources say. It is not currently legally possible to marry outside in England of Wales without a fixed shelter.
Four British universities have distanced themselves from a radical Islamic preacher - who was banned from the UK for his extremist views - after they were listed as 'approved exam centres' for an online college he runs.
Archbishop of Cardiff George Stack confirmed that a wedding service involving a young couple took place at St Alban-on-the-Moors in Splott, Cardiff, on Tuesday May 12 after pictures appeared on Facebook.
Christian leaders have welcomed the government's announcement that places of worship in England will be allowed to reopen for individual prayer from 15 June, but Muslim and Jewish leaders said the move was not appropriate for the way they practise their faith.
The Parish Church of St Giles, Exhall (Coventry) has issued a statement regarding their decision which saw Margaret Keane's family barred from inscribing their mother's gravestone with a phrase in Gaelic.
Yoga has no place "in the life of Christians," the governing body of the Church has ruled. It said it intervened after Greek media recommended yoga as a way to combat stress during coronavirus quarantine.
The arrest and incarceration of Mubarak Bala has compelled a review of the role of religion in Nigeria's nation building and development, says Leo Igwe
As a group of religious leaders threatens legal action over the closure of places of worship during the coronavirus crisis, Stephen Evans says public health must be the priority in deciding when to reopen them.
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