From Dawn Hawkins, NCOSE <[email protected]>
Subject June is Internet Safety Month. Here's What You Can Do.
Date June 8, 2020 11:02 PM
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Tangible solutions that you can be a part of implementing.

June is Internet Safety Month.

Here's what we are doing and what we hope you will do.

As designated by the U.S Senate, June is National Internet Safety Month in the United States.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation believes all people have the right to a life free from sexual exploitation and its effects. This includes the right to safe digital spaces where human dignity is protected and preserved.

Online forms of sexual abuse and exploitation have exploded in recent years, inflicting incalculable mental, emotional, social, psychological, and spiritual harm on its victims.

NCOSE is tirelessly fighting for safer internet spaces. Here are three ways we are working to make you and your children’s digital world safer:

1. The Safeguard Alliance: A Task Force Within the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation

The Safeguard Alliance ([link removed]) is a task force that connects those who are working to prevent young people from exposure to pornography and addressing the porn-saturated environment they are growing up in.

The Safeguard Alliance works to answer questions like:

How can I start and maintain a dialogue about pornography with my children?

What can I teach my kids to do if they see pornography?

How can I address what is happening in sexualized media/pop culture with my children?

Is it appropriate to share personal experiences with children?

They have created resources like Talk Today, Safer Tomorrow ([link removed])—a guide with conversation starters with children regarding pornography—to answer these questions.

2. EARN IT Act: Legislation That Will Increase Internet Safety

Since last July ([link removed]), the conversation has been growing around protecting children from online exploitation ([link removed]). In the fall, NCOSE hosted a symposium on Capitol Hill on this topic, bringing expert speakers to educate the staff of legislators.

Several actions have resulted, including the ideation and proposal of the bipartisan EARN IT Act ([link removed]). The EARN IT Act effectively proposes ([link removed]) changes to the internet that would protect children’s safety, while maintaining user privacy and encryption.

To send an email to your legislator about your support of the EARN IT Act, use this one-click form ([link removed]) to do so.

3. Continued Advocacy Efforts: 2020 Dirty Dozen List

Since we announced the Dirty Dozen List in February this year, we have already seen victories with many of the culprits named and shamed.

During Internet Safety Month, we are especially turning our advocacy efforts toward four of these online targets.

Netflix ([link removed]). Adding filtering tools isn’t enough--Netflix is currently producing and hosting sexually graphic and degrading content. All the while, the app is rated for children ages 4+.

Google ([link removed]). Google should take responsibility to default student devices with filtering tools, equipped to block pornographic content.

TikTok ([link removed]). The review of reported abusive and exploitative accounts needs to be handled more thoroughly.

Twitter ([link removed]). Still largely out of control, Twitter hosts as many as 10 million accounts that may include explicit sexual content. The most concerning part is how Twitter itself seems to ignore their policies against pornographic content, all the while facilitating harm to their users.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation recognizes Internet Safety Month this June 2020 with keen awareness, hoping for your added support and voice, as we continue to facilitate The Safeguard Alliance, support the EARN IT Act, and direct advocacy efforts towards corporations on the Dirty Dozen List ([link removed]). 

Everyday we are fighting for tech to be held accountable for harm and working towards providing all with their right to safe digital spaces where human dignity is protected and preserved.

We are thankful to have your support!

Additional Internet Safety Resources:

Five Things You Can Do To Ensure Your Children Are Safe Online During Quarantine ([link removed])

Five Internet Filtering Services For Families ([link removed])

Internet Safety Resources ([link removed])

To Report Internet Crime:

FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center ([link removed])

NCMEC CyberTipline ([link removed])

With gratitude,

Dawn Hawkins

Sr. Vice President and Executive Director

National Center on Sexual Exploitation

([link removed])

440 1st Street NW, Suite 840 | Washington, DC 20001 US

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