In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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Compulsory Christian worship is divisive and excludes many children, says Laura McInerney. Why not teach them all to think about religions and philosophies
Edinburgh City Council's education committee convener has hit back at misinformation and claims of a "secret plot" against the Catholic Church. His comments
come as the council prepares to decide whether to strip religious representatives of their voting rights on the committee.
This editorial says the gross evil of child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy would have gone unexposed had it not been for three principal agencies, all
A young rape victim who was suspected of having an abortion and charged with homicide after having a stillborn child has been acquitted by a judge at a
retrial in El Salvador.
Khalid Mahmood MP says proposals to sell land which has been held for generations by Kashmiri Muslim farmers, in order to settle Hindu nationalists loyal to
the current Indian government, is ethnic cleansing.
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