Friend --

As our community and country grapples with generation-defining activism against racism in our criminal justice system, City Council President Georgette Gómez is delivering meaningful results:

  • Last week, Georgette Gómez joined Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Councilwoman Monica Montgomery and San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit in announcing an end to the Police Department's carotid restraint (chokehold) protocol. Learn More >>

  • Georgette announced plans to move forward with a ballot measure to expand police oversight by creating an Independent Police Practices Commission which will review community complaints of police misconduct and recommend reforms. Learn More >>

  • Georgette successfully urged the National Guard to withdraw from San Diego in order to reduce tensions and maintain calm. Learn More >>

  • Georgette called for an immediate investigation into a recorded incident wherein an undercover San Diego police officer allegedly threatened to kill, then arrested and shoved a protester into an unmarked van. Learn More >>
Georgette is working every day to keep San Diego safe while we rebuild trust between our communities and law enforcement. We'll keep you updated on Georgette's progress, but in the meantime, our campaign team needs your help:

Will you chip in to keep Georgette working for you?

Thank you for being a part of this team.

Team Gómez


Georgette Gómez is not taking a dime from corporate PACs, and depends on grassroots contributions to take our shared progressive values to Congress. Will you pitch now to help her continue fighting for us?