This is how we build a progressive movement in 2018 and beyond


City by city, state by state and seat by seat. That's how we'll build a progressive movement in 2018 and beyond.

In the 2016 election, Democrats didn't just lose the presidency — we lost state legislative seats too, putting us in control of fewer than half the state legislatures that Republicans control. And we've seen what Republican legislatures do — they restrict women's rights to control their own bodies, enact gun laws like the one used to defend Trayvon Martin's killer and make it harder for folks to vote.

With your help, Opportunity First is building a new generation of leaders who will enact progressive policies at every level of government. Are you with us? Share this graphic on Twitter and Facebook to show your support for progress at all levels of leadership.

Local power = National Progress

Progress made in state and local governments has historically set the blueprint for national progress. From women's suffrage to healthcare reform and marriage equality, these victories started in the states. As President Trump and Congress fail to move our nation forward, it's more important than ever that we support local progressive leaders to fight their agenda.

Click here to learn more about who we're backing, where they're running, and how you can help them win.

In this year's midterms, we have a real chance at a blue wave — but we can't stop at flipping the House. It's important that while we're fighting Trump in the Capitol, we're also resisting in state and local governments.

- The Opportunity First Team

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From the entire Opportunity First team, thanks for your support!