Join us for the first webinar in a series that rapidly shares what we are learning with the policy and research community.
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Please join Innovations for Poverty Action together with our partners for the following:

RECOVR Webinar Series: Bringing Evidence to COVID-19 Policy Responses in the Global South

COVID-19’s wide-ranging health and economic impacts have permeated across the world. For the last three months, much of the research community has pivoted to short-term work to respond. IPA’s RECOVR initiative has been supporting immediate response efforts and providing evidence to decision-makers working to mitigate the impacts of the crisis in the 22 countries where we work.

IPA is hosting the RECOVR Webinar Series: Bringing Evidence to COVID-19 Policy Responses in the Global South. Together with our partners, we will use this series to rapidly share what we are learning with the policy and research community to support evidence-informed response efforts.

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Early Evidence on COVID-19, Mobility, and Migration

Thursday, June 11, 2020
9-10 AM EDT
Register Now
The first webinar in the RECOVR series, hosted by IPA and the Yale Research Initiative on Innovation & Scale (Y-RISE) , centers on COVID-19, mobility, and migration. Contexts in which people are migrating or mobile present unique challenges. Households that rely on the incomes of migrant workers are particularly vulnerable to the pandemic’s economic impacts, as many workers who typically send remittances home are losing income. Meanwhile, many displaced people live in crowded settings where social distancing guidelines may be prohibitively difficult. Return migration in both groups threatens to contribute to the disease’s spread.

Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale University) will begin the webinar with an overview on the various ways in which COVID-19 and migration are linked. Mahreen Khan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) will speak about a new paper that uses migration data to predict the disease’s spread, and discuss the implications of COVID-19’s links to migration for sector-specific economic policy guidance to Bangladesh’s government. Ashish Shenoy (University of California, Davis) will then discuss the implications of these results for designing and evaluating returnee support and reintegration programs, and interview Shariful Islam (BRAC) about how these considerations are informing BRAC’s migrant reintegration programs. Finally, Kathleen Newland (Migration Policy Institute) will elucidate the implications for global migration policy. Radha Rajkotia (IPA) will host and moderate the event.

The presentations will be followed by a discussion and Q&A.

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