Seattle Democratic Socialists of America

Less than two weeks after Minneapolis police murdered George Floyd, the Minneapolis City Council voted to “dismantle” the current police department and create a “new model of public safety.” This would have been almost unthinkable a few weeks ago, and is a huge win for the movement for Black lives! Across the country, protests against police violence are showing that mass direct action works. We are already forcing concessions from politicians, and the movement is only growing.

The movement in Seattle is part of the growing national demand to DEFUND THE POLICE.

The movement is calling for:

1. Defunding SPD by 50%

2. Investing in community-led health & social services instead

3. Protecting (not prosecuting) protestors

Sign the petition for these demands here, put together by COVID-19 Mutual Aid and a coalition of POC-led community organizations.  

Pressure is building on Mayor Jenny Durkan to stop tear-gassing, pepper-spraying, and flash-banging her constituents and to resign. Sign the petition for Mayor Durkan to resign here.

What can I do to support?


At the East Precinct barricade by Cal Anderson Park in Capitol Hill, protesters chant “EVERY DAY! EVERY DAY!” The reclamation of our neighborhood and the protest on the frontlines continues. DSA comrades are here every day, too. If you’re able to safely protest in person, please join us! Our DSA tent will be staffed every day from at least 4 - 9pm. We use this as a central meet-up spot near 11th & Olive for comrades to find out how you can help.

Marches continue across the city! We use Slack to share information and meet up with each other. Not on Slack yet? Send your DSA welcome email from Maria Svart to [email protected] and we’ll get you plugged in!


Our mobilization committee is planning a PHONE ZAP in support of the movement for Black lives and the demands put together by COVID-19 Mutual Aid. We’re putting pressure on the Mayor and other local officials to support and implement these demands. We’ll zap their phones Tuesday and Wednesday. Sign up here!


Whether you can show up in person or need to stay home, WE NEED YOU! We are in need of medics, car transport, radio monitors, people to distribute food and supplies, and more. Please sign up here!

Defunding the police is not the end. We need to dismantle every other repressive apparatus of the capitalist state—ICE, the military, the prison industrial complex—and abolish capitalism itself. The society without police that we want to build is a socialist society, run democratically by and for the multiracial working class, where we can all live truly free lives, in genuine community with each other.  

In solidarity,

Seattle DSA

Here are upcoming events:

Tenant Organizing Collective (El Grupo para Organizar su Edificio) - Online Meeting

Time: June 10 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Venue: Online (Zoom Call)

Does your building management take too long to make repairs? Are you concerned that your lease could be illegal? Does your landlord charge you too much rent? You’re not alone. The Tenant Organizing Collective is a group of Seattle area residents, including experienced housing rights activists, who meet every week to teach each other concrete, effective organizing skills to build power at [Read More]

SDSA New Member Orientation (online)

Time: June 10 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Venue: Virtual

Come to learn about what Democratic Socialism is all about, what we can learn about capitalism and socialism from the current pandemic, and how YOU can get involved with Seattle DSA’s efforts to engage in mutual aid and building power for a socialist future in which people come before profits. You don’t need to be an official member to attend – “DSA curious” folks are welcome! RSVP for zoom [Read More]

Online: Workplace Organizing Collective (El Grupo para Organizar su Lugar de Trabajo)

Time: June 10 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Venue: Online

Due to coronavirus, we\'ll be meeting online. Join us on Google Hangouts Are you frustrated that you don\'t have a voice at work? Are you a freelancer who rarely gets paid on time? Are you working 2 or 3 gigs just to make rent? You\'re not alone. The Workplace Organizing Collective is a group of Seattle DSA members, including experienced labor organizers, who meet every week to teach each [Read More]

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