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Dear Sister District DC/VA Volunteers, 

As we emerge into a new week, we at Sister District DC/VA continue to stand with Black Lives Matter and want to do our part in the ongoing fight against police brutality. This Thursday, we'll be hosting a screening of Ava DuVernay's documentary, The Thirteenth. If you're looking to do some reading after we watch and discuss, there's an anti-racism reading list here, full of titles recommended by educators and activists. 

Looking for a concrete action you can take to help our local Black Lives Matter activists here in DC? The city council has moved the budget oversight hearing for the Metropolitan Police Department, and the public may submit testimony by June 16th, either by email, voice, or uploading a video. You can read the details here

We also have a phonebank for our candidate Jonathan Kassa this Wednesday, and you can read his most recent statement about the historic protests this past week here. State races continue to be crucial, and phonebanking, especially in the time of Covid 19, is one of the best ways to reach out to voters. As Stacy Abrams says in her recent op-ed "voting is an act of faith. It is profound. In a democracy, it is the ultimate power. Through the vote, the poor can access financial means, the infirm can find health care support, and the burdened and heavy-laden can receive a measure of relief from a social safety net that serves all. And we are willing to go to war to defend the sacred."

Stay safe, be well, and we hope to see you at one of our events soon! 

Phonebank for Jonathan Kassa!
Watch the trailer for The 13th!
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