Transit Priority Now

Build our Next Transit Campaigns

Federal Transit Funding

Transit News


Transit Priority Now

From the Muni service that has remained during the past few months, we’ve seen just how much quicker public transit can be when there’s no traffic: 15% time savings systemwide, up to 50% along some corridors. Notably, bus routes with red lanes didn’t change much, meaning transit-only lanes work. This is what 30x30 is all about: reliable, efficient trips for all riders. 

SFMTA is proposing to preserve these time savings by piloting transit-only lanes (in white paint, not red lanes) across the city now, before Muni is once again stuck in punishing congestion. Over the next few years, these pilot projects would undergo fuller planning with outreach, resulting in changes and adjustments where needed.

We've been asking for pilot projects so that riders don't have to wait for years to get proven benefits. The pilot projects can be the outreach, showing everyone in real time how these changes can make a real difference for transit. We need to make sure Muni riders get priority on routes in all neighborhoods, especially areas with less service. As the pilot lanes are put in place, we will make sure we’re talking with and advocating for riders in order to develop the best final projects possible.

There’s no guarantee these pilot projects will happen. We need to let the SFMTA and the Board of Supervisors know that riders need transit priority now, before we’re hopelessly stuck in traffic again.


Train to be a Transit Advocate

We have our work cut out for us to make sure we get the best network of transit priority lanes possible, and to bring back Muni service better than ever. We need to build support in every district - we need to reach out to riders, to merchants, and to communities around the city.

Join us this Thursday, 5:00-6:00pm, to learn the fundamentals of campaign strategy and how to apply them to transit advocacy. We'll set goals, craft effective strategies, and brainstorm creative tactics to win.


Speak Up For Transit Funding 

Congress is currently debating the next round of federal relief funding for public transit, and they continue to underestimate what is needed.

The initial CARES act funding might support Bay Area transit for 5-8 months. The HEROES act proposal for $15B for public transit falls far short of the $32B that is likely needed.

While the Bay Area's representatives have been instrumental in securing funding for public transit, they need to hear from us that public transit is a top priority if they're going to push further.


Transit news

SFMTA Plans for COVID Traffic Realities (Streetsblog)
Pandemic Shows How Essential Muni Is (Civic podcast, San Francisco Public Press)
A pre-COVID very deep dive into Why the US Sucks at Building Public Transit (Vice)


San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
