Whatever they might disagree on, Americans agree that we need police reform. Qualified immunity is still on the table.
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June 8, 2020
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Diplomatic Relations Recognize Reality and Ease Communication ([link removed] )
Diplomacy is no magic elixir, but talking is most essential between countries at potential military odds.
- A Modest Proposal: Open Ties With North Korea ([link removed] )
By Doug Bandow
Police 2 ([link removed] )
Americans Agree on Police Reform ([link removed] )
The Cato 2016 Criminal Justice National Survey found that Americans across racial and political backgrounds support a variety of policy changes that reformers say would help mend fences between police and the communities they serve.
- Americans Don't Want to #Defund Police, Instead They Agree on Reform ([link removed] )
By Emily Ekins
The Truth about Coercive Plea Bargains ([link removed] )
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Why would an innocent person plead guilty? When it’s the best option in a broken criminal justice system, for one. Clark Neily explains the “coercive plea bargains.”
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