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A judge last week ruled that the man, who is sedated on an intensive care ward, should be allowed to die because he had previously made it clear he did not
want to live with a permanent stoma, a surgical hole in the stomach to which a colostomy bag is attached to collect digestive waste.
Writing to the council, Jawad Khan, chairman of the Birmingham Council of Mosques, says that an increase is necessary to allow friends and family the chance
to read the Salat ul Janazah prayer before laying their loved ones to rest.
A court in Russian-controlled Crimea jailed a Jehovah's Witness for six years on Thursday after finding him guilty of organizing the activities of a banned
extremist organization, part of a crackdown rights activists say violates religious freedom.
After nearly three months, Facebook and Instagram have unblocked the #Sikh hashtag, saying the block occurred "mistakenly" after a user reported the hashtag
in March.
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