Monday, June 8th, 2020

Those Pesky Crime Statistics

Article by Theodore Dalrymple.

There Goes the National Football League

Article by Bill Sardi.

War in the Arctic and Beyond

Article by Yvonne Lorenzo.

The Gospel According to Marx

Article by Becky Akers.

The Insolent American Population Has Become a Pathetic Mass of Irrelevancy, and Ripe for Takeover

Article by Gary D. Barnett.

Ideas Have Consequences

Article by Paul Craig Roberts.

The Building Cold Anger Throughout America

Article by Peter Skurkiss.

This Has Been the First Global Infodemic of the Information Age — But Are We Now Immune?

Article by Marko Marjanović.

The Coronavirus and the Gates Foundation

Article by F. William Engdahl.

Social Distancing for Animals?

Article by Karen Hathaway.

Twittered, I Think

Article by Eric Peters.

Lynette Zang: The Plandemic Is a Cover for the ‘Global Financial Reset’

Article by Mac Slavo.

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