Dear John,

Did you see this news? General Colin Powell — a staunch Republican and one of the most respected military leaders in U.S. history — announced he will break party lines and vote for Joe Biden. And Powell didn't stop there. He tore into Donald Trump.

Powell said he is "deeply troubled" by Trump's constant lies. He called Trump's approach to politics "dangerous for our democracy" and asserted that Trump has "drifted away" from the Constitution. 

Believe it or not, Powell is the FIRST major Republican to announce he will reject Trump. By eschewing partisan divides, Powell illustrated Brady's motto — “take action, not sides.” Especially as November approaches, we believe more top-ranking Republicans must take action, not sides, and speak out to protect our democracy.

John, will you join us in calling on Republican leaders to follow Powell's lead and REJECT Donald Trump?

This is urgent — Election Day on November 3rd is less than 5 months away. Our nation's leaders on BOTH sides of the aisle must speak out against Trump's hate, lies, and corruption. They must forget party lines and fight for the health and soul of our country and our democracy.

Thank you for helping us hold our leaders to our motto,

— Team Brady


840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States

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