One act against racism that white people can do is to call out the racism they witness in their everyday lives. Whether it’s an uncle’s tasteless “jokes” during a family barbecue, a boss making a racist comment during a meeting, or your friend’s microaggressions — it’s time to call that shit RIGHT OUT if you haven’t been doing it.
Confession #25565768 I fantasize about having a moment when I get to confront an awful racist. I just want to tear one down!
#25025195 "It’s not a complement when you tell me I don’t look my heritage. And that you never would have guessed because I don’t look Hispanic... Actually it makes me think you’re a pos racist."
#24118311 "FIL: You can't be a racist if you have black friends Me: I mean you're a misogynist and you're married to a woman... Havent heard from my ILs in months. Wonder why?"
Confession #25768959 Wish I would have known that being married and having kids doesn’t mean you won’t be lonely anymore
#25767142 "During the worst time in my life, I find myself with 1 friend to talk to. I am no longer close to my siblings, my college friends or other friends I have know for a long time. Very lonely and depressing."
#25770719 "Married 8 years, was told I was beautiful today and not by DH he never says stuff like that......makes me realize how very lonely I really am. Cant stop thinking about it."
Confession #12321626 DH wants to quit his job and live off his 401K for a year because he’s having a midlife crisis.
#15055907 "Took DS11 for a haircut, DH goes to same salon. Stylist proceeded to tell me how DH came in last week for a cut with hair dye (!) dripping down the nape of his neck. I had NO IDEA! Midlife Crisis anyone??"
#1705620 "My H is going through a midlife crisis and depression, it’s ruining our marriage. I feel like I’m drowning in it all. This is not the man I married."