Joan Greene's new ad against Biggs

They are the same.

Rep. Andy Biggs is nothing more than a clone of Trump.

Racist attacks, abuses of power and damaging to our democracy. 

As our country grieves, fights and searches for healing, we must be clear about who these men are.

That's why we've released this new ad, with a clear message about Rep. Andy Biggs in Arizona.

I am taking on the divisive Freedom Caucus leader Rep. Andy Biggs because he votes against us time and time again.

He stands with hate. Not only is he silent in this moment, he has a history of maligning the Latinx community, attacking the rights of LGBTQ+ and even doing events with white supremacists.  

I need your help to stop him and spread the message in this ad.

Can you chip in $10, $20 or more today to help with our digital ad buy?

Every $10 lets us reach thousands of voters. It makes the difference.

We can't leave this to chance. We must vote out hate.

Be kind and be safe,
- Joan Greene  

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