Dear John,
The masses of people in the streets in response to the killing of George Floyd are pushing the conversation on undoing systemic racism and transforming policing in powerful and exciting ways. There is real momentum right now to get long-overdue reforms done, like repealing 50-A, the state law that shields abusive police from accountability, and cuts to the NYPD’s budget are on the table in a serious way.
There are many ways to be taking action right now in support of the Movement for Black Lives, from home, in the streets, and on the phones. But we also have long-term work to do in our own families and communities.
Join me and Racial Justice BK for a Zoom community forum on taking action for Black lives on Tuesday, June 9 at 7 PM. Register here.
The work starts with listening to Black leaders, following their lead on meaningful ways to take action, and, for those of us who are white, having the hard conversations with ourselves and our communities about ways we benefit from white privilege and how we can do better as allies.
In that spirit, we will hear from Assemblymember Diana Richardson, other community leaders about ways to take action, and break into small group discussions with members of Racial Justice BK about showing up as allies to support the movement in this moment.
Looking forward to doing this work with you,
Lander for NYC
456 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, Suite 2
Brooklyn, NY 11215
[email protected]
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