John --
Good afternoon and welcome to our Week-End Update.
Before I begin, yesterday was the 76th Anniversary of D-Day and I
want to take a moment to honor and remember our veterans. One of my
closest friends and political mentors is Pat Solano, who is a WWII war
hero. I would like to thank Pat, our veterans and all the brave men
and women in our armed services for their bravery and sacrifice.

On Tuesday, the Primary Election was in Pennsylvania. While
unopposed in the Primary, I want to thank all the voters who went to
the polls and cast their ballots on Tuesday. I want to especially
thank the 62,366 Republican voters for their vote of support on
Election Day. Representing the people of the 9th Congressional
District is a tremendous honor and I am looking forward to the
upcoming election.

Since taking office, I have supported President Trump’s America
First agenda to help create an economy that is inclusive of all
people. This includes working to lower the cost of healthcare,
strengthening our military and border security, supporting fair trade
deals to sell American products around the world, creating good-paying
jobs, making our education system more accountable for our young
people, and protecting 2nd Amendment rights.
House Democrats, under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi, have
advocated for disastrous policies that, if enacted, would make America
unrecognizable and threaten the livelihoods of hardworking
Pennsylvanians in the 9th District. In this time of uncertainty, we
need to accentuate what has made America great and mitigate what has
pulled us down. I will continue to help make America as great as can
be for as many Americans as possible. Republicans also must win back
the U.S. House to truly advance a pro-growth agenda that will begin a
great American comeback that has ALREADY BEGUN!
On Primary Election Day, I traveled around the District, visiting
with poll workers, elected officials and speaking with voters. I
sincerely want to thank all those who worked a poll in support of our
campaign—pictures from Election Day below.

This week, citizens across the nation took the streets in protest
of the murder of George Floyd, whose life was tragically taken by
former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin. All of us must do
everything we can do to ensure this type of behavior does not happen
again and is never tolerated.
As my father, a retired police detective and strong lifelong
supporter of the police, stated to me about Chauvin, “I can’t imagine
what that guy was thinking. Even the look in his eyes was bad. He
deserves to be tried for murder.” I think many of us share that same
First, we must question why Chauvin was still on the force when,
according to an MPD internal affairs public summary, he had 18 prior
complaints filed against him. We must take a commonsense approach to
solve the issues that lead to these types of events and not allow
political agendas to drive those actions.
With that said, the riots and violent protests that are occurring
across the nation are 100% unacceptable. The rhetoric is out of
control. Our brave police officers leave their families every day,
putting their lives on the line to protect our families and
communities. We must not allow the media and some politicians to use
the actions of a few bad police officers to paint a picture that all
law enforcement are bad people or racist. That is a false
The bottom line is that when someone needs help and dials 911, we
need our brave law enforcement officers to be there on the other end
of that line ready to assist. Supporting a lawless society and the
liberal idea of defunding the police is really one of the most foolish
things I have ever heard supported by the left. Liberalism empathizes
with lawless, anarchistic actions...minimal border security, defunding
ICE, and now calls to defund the police. I always seek and try to
understand before trying to be understood. But all citizens must
appreciate the essential need of a Constitutional government and law
and order.
On Thursday, I stood with state and local elected officials, as
well as our brave law enforcement officers at a protest in Lebanon
County. The protest was non-violent, but it was certainly not
completely peaceful. The protestors were chanting, “**** the Police.”
That is not peaceful. It was revoltingly disrespectful to many and
especially to the police officers who were there to keep order and
protect lives. I was in the crowd when I heard this chant and at that
time I walked away. All persons should walk away when such hateful
chants begin. I had the opportunity to speak to an African American
minister in attendance and he reflected that the cause he is
supporting had been hijacked by violence and hate. I agree. We must
work to seek solutions, not burn down our communities, small
businesses and places of worship.

In other important news, President Donald Trump signed the PPP
Flexibility Act, modifying this successful program with reforms
drafted with input from small business owners. This is a win for
hardworking families and small businesses driving the next Great
American Comeback. More information below.

President Trump, Congressional Republicans, and American
workers built the greatest economy on Earth. Now, as we safely reopen
from Coronavirus, we are going to rebuild an even stronger
“Experts” (The Liberal national media and the
Left who root for our nation to fail)
predicted that America would lose 7.5 million
jobs last month. Instead, our country added 2.8 million—10
million more than expected.
- May’s 2.8 million jobs are the most new jobs ever recorded in a
single month.
- American workers helped slow the spread of Coronavirus by social
distancing and following the guidelines of their local health
All told, last month our economy added:
- 1.2 MILLION leisure & hospitality jobs
- 464,000 construction jobs
- 424,000 education & healthcare jobs
- 368,000 retail jobs
- 225,000 manufacturing jobs
As President Trump said, “We had the greatest economy in the
history of the world. And that strength let us get through this
horrible pandemic. We’re going to be back there. I think we’re going
to actually be back higher next year than ever before. And the only
thing that can stop us is bad policy.” He is right. We are going to
rebuild our economy and I know that the 9th District will
be a big part of that.
is a video from the Trump Campaign that highlights our Great
American Comeback!

However, to assist us in this economic comeback, the government
needs to offer guidance for health and safety standards and trust in
the people. Our state government and all state governments need to be
inclusive and consult with small businesses as they are making
decisions. It is not the role of any state's leadership, especially in
our wonderful Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to rule. Their role is to
serve... that is the best form of leadership. And, by the way, as
someone with 25 years of experience in the private sector, I can tell
you the best way to avoid mistakes is to be inclusionary. In the words
of the great Pat Solano, mentioned earlier, the politics of inclusion
means that if you are civil, professional and work to solve problems,
you will build trust with those whom you work. Building trust is as
important today as growing our economy and keeping people safe. There
is only one way to build trust and that is by being consistently
On Friday, I attended a press conference and rally at Taste of
Sicily in Palmyra, Lebanon County. As the bills piled up as their
business has been closed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, Taste
of Sicily decided to reopen their business to customers. State
regulators from the Department of Agriculture suspended their license
to sell food despite the fact they had a very strict health and safety
plan for their customers and employees in place.
The press conference was hosted by State Senator Dave Arnold and we
were joined by the owner of Taste of Sicily Mike Mangano, State
Senator Doug Mastriano, State Representatives Frank Ryan and Russ
Diamond as well as County Commissioners Bob Phillips and Bill Ames and
District Attorney Pier Hess Graf. It is time to get government off the
backs of these small businesses and let them reopen. The government
can set reasonable regulations to protect public safety and let the
private sector adapt and they are. The Wolf Administration has been
completely unreasonable and they are holding Pennsylvania’s economy

This week, we also visited the Anthracite Outdoor Adventure
Area (AOAA) in Coal Township. Pictured below are Don Rosini Sr., State
Rep. Kurt Masser, Dave Porzi, Don Rosini Jr, Barry Yarmouth, Jim
Backes. Thank you. Awesome place.

I again want to reiterate my thanks to all of you for your support.
I am truly blessed to represent this great district and Pennsylvania
in Washington.
Have a great weekend, stay safe and we will see you soon.

Dan Meuser