
We’re putting together a video for Seth, and we need your help.

We want you to send us a quick video telling us why you support Seth and our campaign. We’ll use your video submissions to create a video montage of our great supporters. Then we’ll share with him and it out on social media once it’s finished!

Here are some instructions for submitting your video:

  1. Record a quick, 10-15 second video to introduce yourself (including your name, where you are from, etc!) and tell us why you’re supporting Seth.
  2. Record the video horizontally.
  3. If you recorded the video on your phone, send it to yourself so you can access it on a computer.
  4. From your computer, upload the file here on our website.

This video will give Seth a chance to hear from all of the folks who are counting on him, and give the country a chance to see the strength of our movement.

Can’t wait to see your submissions!

Thank you so much for your support.

Team Moulton