This week, we launched the Second Opinion Project. We asked respected doctors across the nation for their opinions on the dangers and unintended consequences of Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions.
The “experts” prescribed a regimen that is still destroying lives and livelihoods and it is time for the people to demand a second opinion.
And there are some Governors and Mayors who continue to insist on depriving Americans of their God-given rights, despite the evidence and data we now have about COVID-19.
That’s why we sent a letter to President Trump encouraging him to view the stories of countless doctors explaining why we should never again go into lockdowns like the one's we've seen.
You can view the interviews and sign the petition at
And please like and share some of the best videos we’ve posted in the last week. Engaging with these posts and sharing them will ensure more and more people see the important information!
Please sign this letter to President Trump and Vice President Pence about revising the CDC’s guidelines for reopening schools. The doctors we are working with for the Second Opinion Project support revising the guidelines because right now, they are onerous, unworkable, and unnecessary. Please read and sign the letter, and then share it with others.
The May jobs report was just released and much to Democrats and the Mainstream Media's shock – their predictions of doom and gloom were wrong.
Again, supposed “experts” predicted that the jobs report would show a loss of over 7.5 million jobs, instead it showed 2.5 million jobs were added. On top of that, the unemployment rate fell to 13.3%.
This is a tremendous step in the right direction for re-opening our economy and letting the American people work again, and is one of the reasons we launched the Second Opinion Project – because doctors on the front lines know that we can reopen and give the American people back their livelihoods. “Today’s jobs report is very encouraging. We are primed to have a V-shaped economic recovery, but only if states and cities start reopening at a faster pace. Read more...
Our friends at Job Creators Network launched Flatten the Fear today! Please check it out and help them get the word out by sharing their new video!
Across our nation this week, American cities have been set on fire by radical, left-wing groups who are exploiting the death of George Floyd to burn, destroy, and attack American civil society. Innocent people have been killed by rioters in some cases.
The four Minneapolis Police Department officers involved have been fired and subsequently criminally charged in Floyd's death. Charges range from second-degree murder to aiding and abetting.
We fully support the First Amendment right of those peacefully protesting, however we condemn the actions of violent rioters and looters. Rioting, theft, and destruction of property is not protesting, and those engaging in such actions should be held responsible to the fullest extent of the law.
Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released a statement about the protests and riots in the wake of George Floyd's death. “Mayors, governors, and the president himself need to act NOW, TODAY, to restore order to our cities. And yes, part of restoring order means getting back to the business of being Americans. Read more...
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