Hello Friend,

Take a minute to easily sign our new online petition. Your signature can help get us on the ballot through 2024.

Once you have signed, please regularly share with friends and family who are registered Maryland voters.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the State Board of Elections is allowing the use of electronic petitioning instead of in person petitioning. However, this does not make up for all the lost time petitioning in the Spring. Consequently, last month we filed federal suit to seek necessary relief. Relief has been granted in several states including Illinois and Vermont.

While we cannot petition at large events and festivals as we traditionally have done, we are making a dedicated effort to hit our goal of 10,000 valid signatures with our additional electronic signatures.

You can help us reach our goal by getting 5 registered voters everyday to sign the electronic petition.

Want to volunteer? We are phone banking for ballot access. Join the phone banking training this Sunday June 7 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

If you have any questions or want to get involved, please contact ballot access coordinator Hunt Hobbs.

Maryland Green Party

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