Cook Political Report moves Susan Collins Senate race to 'toss-up'

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The Maine Senate race just shifted from "lean Republican" to "toss-up" according to a recent report — meaning Senator Susan Collins is heading toward a tight re-election.

That’s good news for us, John. It means the Senate majority is within reach, and we can flip it with our incredible slate of Democratic candidates — like Sara Gideon, who is challenging Susan Collins in 2020.

Sara knows that too many Washington politicians, like Susan Collins, are focused on doing the bidding of special interests and leaving the interests of ordinary folks behind.

Whether it’s protecting our health care, defending reproductive freedom, or tackling climate change — our candidates are up to the task. And their message is resonating with voters from Maine to Arizona and everywhere in between. But our candidates need your help, so we’re asking:

Will you add a contribution to help our Democratic candidates, like Sara Gideon, Flip the Senate in 2020? John, you’re our best chance at making a meaningful difference in key Senate races across the country, including toss-up races like the one we’re seeing in Maine.

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Susan Collins is just another rubber stamp Republican who votes in lockstep with Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell’s dangerous agenda.

As you may remember, she was the key vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. She voted to gut the Affordable Care Act, including protections for people with pre-existing conditions. And she has lost support among Mainers since Trump took office for supporting his dangerous, right-wing agenda.

So, we’re asking you to rush a donation to make sure Democratic candidates like Sara Gideon have the resources they need to Flip the Senate in 2020. You can do so right here:

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The work we are doing to Flip the Senate in 2020 has never been more important, and you’re a key part of that. We’re building a campaign fueled by folks like you in states across the country and counting on you to help us gather the resources needed to create a winning operation.

With your help, we’ll make sure Democrats like Sara Gideon can cross the finish line and take back the Senate. Thanks for all you do.

— Flip the Senate