Fellow conservative,

Since being sworn into Congress in January of last year (TX-21), I've fought the DC Swamp head on. And make no mistake, when you go directly against Pelosi and the Washington Establishment, it really ticks people off.

If you can please give $5 or more now to help us fight back, it would be a huge help -- otherwise, please read on below for more background.

Here are just a few conservative highlights from my first term in Congress:

  • NO IMPEACHMENT. Speaking out against the Democrats' bogus impeachment sham, a distraction from real work in the country. 
  • BLOCK PELOSI. Forcing Pelosi to hold a vote on a Trillion Dollar spending bill, and suing her over an unconstitutional proxy voting scheme.
  • STOP CARTELS. Leading the fight to designate drug cartels as terrorists.
  • SECURE BORDERS. Protecting our borders by opposing any and all amnesty plans.
  • OPEN AMERICA. Vocally promoting the need to reopen America after the Coronavirus pandemic.

Before serving in Congress, I worked in the conservative movement for two decades. My record includes fighting on the front lines to stop amnesty (multiple times), block the Far-Left Gun Grabbers, stand for life, and confirm great Supreme Court justices like Samuel Alito. 

Now the Radical Left is TICKED and we need your help to fight back.

I've stood shoulder to shoulder with Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Jim DeMint and many other conservative warriors. In fact, here are just a couple of their testimonials:

  •  >>> Jim Jordan: "Chip takes a bold stand on issue after issue. He has stood up to fight for President Trump's border security efforts. He's one of the few voices in Washington taking a strong stance against runaway spending. And he's willing to take on the Washington Swamp whenever needed."
  • >>> Mark Meadows"President Trump has faced opposition from all sides in his efforts to put an end to illegal immigration, and Chip has been on the front lines of working to secure the border, protect Americans from dangerous drug cartels and violent illegal aliens, and FINISH BUILDING THE WALL. While Democrats want to fight for illegals, Chip wants to fight for us -- 'We, The People.'"
  • >>> Ted Cruz: "My friend and conservative warrior, Congressman Chip Roy, just got a high-profile, extreme liberal challenger...Extreme Wendy Davis rose to liberal fame for filibustering to defend abortion even after 20 weeks. Now she's the favorite extremist of the left and has been called the 'country’s most prominent defender of late-term abortions.'"

Like I said, when you challenge the status quo in Washington, you tend to make some enemies. So Pelosi has taken it upon herself to personally get me voted out in 2020. That's why the National Democrats have designated the district I represent, TX-21, as a "Top Tier pickup opportunity." They're pulling out all the stops and we need your help now to CATCH UP.

The RADICAL LEFT recruited national abortion celebrity, Wendy Davis, to run for this seat (covering parts of Austin, San Antonio and the Texas Hill Country) -- and they're FLOODING money into her campaign. Wendy Davis rose to prominence several years ago when she filibustered to defend late-term abortion for 13 straight hours on the Texas Senate floor. That's so far outside the mainstream but the Radical Left loves it. 

This caught the eye of Pelosi and the Democratic establishment, so they've brought the weight of all of their deep-pocketed donors from New York to San Francisco to give Davis a significant financial advantage.

With the help of her flood of money from coastal elites, Extreme Wendy Davis has a HALF MILLION cash on hand advantage in this race. 

<<< Will you please donate $5, $15, $35 or even $75 to help us fight back?
This is critical and we can't hold Texas for President Trump without this seat. >>>

I didn't make the decision to run for Congress lightly, but there's way too much at stake. We need real guts to take on The Swamp and change Washington. 

  1. We have to secure the border and stop the dangerous drug cartels putting our communities at risk. It's worse than ever.
  2. We have to stop the growing rise of Socialism that will force the government into even more parts of our lives and destroy the economy. It's perilous and scary. 
  3. We have to actually do something about the $25 TRILLION debt. It's outrageous. 

Since I'm not exactly the Swamp's favorite Congressman, we rely heavily on help from grassroots conservative patriots like you to fuel our campaign.

Would you consider donating just $5 or more right now to help us stop the left's favorite abortion champion, Wendy Davis?

Thank you again for all you do for liberty.

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman
21st Congressional District

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