DC Friends:

Join us to learn more about the Poor People’s Campaign

before it marches on Washington.

Register now for We Can’t Breath: Poverty and Pandemic in the District.

RSVP for June 10We will begin with a ten-minute moment of silence - a reflection on the breath that was stolen from George Floyd. We’ll move on to hear personal stories from two DC natives, then a speech led by DeVaughn Jones, Economic Chair of the NAACP DC Branch. These stories will show George Floyd’s reflection in the countless families who have been snuffed from the homes, streets, schools, and churches of the District of Columbia for over 120 years. Their pain must inspire us to march, legislate, and craft new policy to take history’s biggest boot off DC’s neck: poverty.

And learn more about the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington Digital Justice Gathering on June 20, 2020 by signing up now:  

Register Here For June 20

Forward Together!

Washington DC Poor Peoples’ Campaign Coordinating Committee

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