Dear John,

The violence we confront today from the police, from the economy and from our political leaders represents a system that is far too comfortable with the suffering and deaths of black, brown and poor people. In honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery and so many others who have been brutally murdered, The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival calls for an end to systemic racism and a comprehensive reconstruction of our society. Click here to read our Demands.

Join us Monday June 8th, two weeks after George Floyd’s death, for a Day of Fasting and Focus which will culminate at 5:00pm when we are asking people to stop where you are for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in silence in honor of the time George Floyd had the literal knee of the state on his neck.

Take the pledge to participate in a National Moment of Silence in Honor of George Floyd and other victims of police brutality on Monday at 5pm EST.

Whether in your homes, at work or in the streets, we are calling for people of conscience to stop wherever they are to join us for a live-streamed moment of silence, litany and a message of support for the uprisings across the country and a call for organizing a movement in this moment from Bishop William J. Barber, II, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival. You can tune in at and click here for a litany you can read after the moment of silence.

As part of this National Day of Fasting and Focus we will be holding a We Won’t Be Silent Virtual Art Build at 12 pm EST/ 9am PST to be together and heal together through art-making, share messages of justice and get prepared for the day of action. Register here.

George Floyd died from the knee on his neck, we still do not have justice for Breonna Taylor or the thousands and millions of others who have been killed from systemic racism, police violence, mass incarceration, health inequity and poverty. This is the time to make economic and structural demands on our government to end the multiple pandemics of systemic racism and poverty, and to end the militarized force that is used against people who just want to breathe.

Forward together, not one step back!

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

P.S.: Please also join us on Sunday June 7th at 10 am EST for a National Interfaith Service to recognize the more than 100,000 Americans who have died from COVID-19, especially poor and low-income workers. While President Trump wants to divert attention away from the pandemic and to his misinterpretation of protests in the streets, the Poor People’s Campaign will insist that the country doesn’t forget those who died.

The service will be co-led by Revs. Barber and Theoharis and Rabbi Jonah Pesner, Imam Omar Suleiman and Valerie Kaur. Tune in at

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