The Wise Men brought three gifts to the baby Jesus: frankincense, myrrh… And new research reveals the third gift was NOT gold. Rather, scholars now believe it was a “golden” healer, one that complemented the trinity of spices. And turns out… it was also the most valuable of them all. Because according to modern research at Baylor, Stanford, and nearly every Ivy League institution… This Gospel gift works on 853 different health concerns. And it doesn’t require a prescription. This proves a simple fact they knew in Biblical times, a fact we are learning again now: Nothing designed by man or nature works this powerfully on aging joints, memory, or heart health. This Bible bombshell will change everything you think about your health — regardless of your current beliefs. Click here to see. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |