Take a moment to reflect and fill out my survey to share your thoughts:

Affordable healthcare. Quality education for your children. Safer communities. Making ends meet every month.

Team, these are just a few of the critical issues that many Californians and folks across the country face everyday. Each of us bring different perspectives and concerns to the table. That's why I want to hear directly from you about what's weighing on your mind.

Worried about the economy? The gun violence crisis? Or even climate change? Take a moment to reflect and fill out my survey to share your thoughts:

Take the survey

This survey will only stay open for a short time and your responses will give me a glimpse into what Californians from across the state are facing -- no matter your zip code, economic status, or background.

If you have even just 3 minutes, it's important to me that you add your voice to this survey.

Grateful for you,

— Gavin