
With the staggering economic damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic and global shutdown, it’s more important now than ever to give Americans every opportunity to work

Yet, too many American workers are chasing work because the government can’t get out of the way. 

We’ve been capturing some of these Americans’ Chasing Work stories. We encourage you to check them out, and share your own.

The reliance on and need for more workers with occupational licenses—such as nurses, social workers, therapists, and childcare providers—has never been greater. 

However, getting an occupational license is a large lift for many—requiring thousands of dollars, hours, tests, training, and so on. 

Many of these government-imposed mandates are duplicative, discouraging, and unnecessary to safely operate. 

Because occupational licensing rules differ state by state, many states do not accept job licenses from other states, making a complex situation like COVID-19 even worse. 

The complex, complicated bureaucratic occupational licensing process imposes unnecessary barriers to work. 

We need to be breaking barriers now more than ever—not putting new ones up—to get Americans back to work and the economy back on track.

We need to be looking toward the future and planning for the changes that will inevitably take place in the workforce, industries, and economy in light of COVID-19.

Some states—both red and blue—have already begun to simplify occupational licensing rules and processes in their states. Others have formed compacts with neighboring states to recognize existing job licenses. 

We applaud these states for taking this important first step, and we encourage other states to follow suit.

As COVID-19 continues to drive the country toward Great Depression-like unemployment rates and riots add to our economic strife, politicians need to focus on policies that can unite Americans and make it easier to earn a decent living. 

Occupational licensing reform will provide that opportunity.

Read real Americans’ Chasing Work stories and share your own.


Carrie Lukas
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