A long overdue conversation:

Across America, we are having a long overdue conversation about racism triggered by the senseless murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many other Black Americans.

I applaud the peaceful protestors who are marching for justice and expressing their communities’ valid concerns. It was very humbling to participate in a peaceful demonstration in the Poconos this week to express my own desire for racial equity and fairness in America. This event, and many others that have taken place around northeastern Pennsylvania in recent days, have been powerful displays of protesters and law enforcement marching side-by-side. It has been gratifying to see and be a part of.

Sadly, that hasn’t been the case everywhere outside our area. Excessive use of force from police, including the use of tear gas and the firing of rubber bullets at demonstrators must stop immediately to make room for a national conversation about removing racism not only from our hearts, but from our institutions as well.

At the same time, opportunists who engage in destruction and violence should be condemned.They do not represent the core of this important movement, and they distract from the legitimate concerns hundreds of thousands of Americans are expressing by peacefully protesting. My colleague Rep. John Lewis said it best: “Be constructive, not destructive. History has proven time and again that non-violent, peaceful protest is the way to achieve the justice and equality that we all deserve.”

Our nation is at its best when we unite together and make progress through peace -- and the time for that progress is long overdue. To the Black community and other communities of color in northeastern Pennsylvania who are speaking out: I see you, and I hear you. I pledge to take action in Congress to pursue the cause of racial justice, and with the voices of millions of Americans behind us, things will change.


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