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 Click below to read this week's top stories: 


Justice for George Floyd is Only Found at the Cross


In the days following May 25, the world has witnessed the horror and injustice of George Floyd’s death, face down on the ground with Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin’s knee on his neck. In killing Floyd, Chauvin demonstrated a complete disregard for Floyd’s value and dignity as one of God’s image-bearers. It was a violation of the 5th Commandment, and those of us who are pro-life should be as outraged and grieved by Floyd’s murder as we are by abortion. In both cases, the destruction of human life is a grievous sin and a crime.

God hates injustice, and George Floyd’s death should grieve and anger us because it grieves and angers God. All earthly injustice finds its final, eternal end in the justice of God. This is a source of hope in the midst of evil; ultimately, justice will prevail. It is also the reason that we love and pursue justice now. We seek earthly justice because we love the God who is just and because earthly justice points people to who God is.

Since then, Minnesota is facing tragedy upon tragedy and injustice upon injustice. In the time since George Floyd was killed, we have watched as our cities have erupted in flames and rioters and looters have exploited the situation, drowning out the voices of peaceful protestors,endangering people, destroying homes, and robbing people of their livelihoods. The actions of the rioters display a disregard for human life and dignity as they wreak havoc and desolation on communities that are already struggling from the economic implications of COVID-19. Though the rioting has now mostly passed, it will leave scars on our urban landscape that will take years to heal. [Read more] 

Read the whole piece by MFC's Patience Griswold here.


Mayor De Blasio is Wrong: Churches are Essential During a Crisis


Like the rest of the nation, New York City has seen protestors flood the streets in response to the killing of George Floyd. And yet, as protestors gather by the thousands, the city is still technically under lockdown and is scheduled to begin phase one of reopening next week. Throughout the state, worship services are still limited to gatherings of no more than 10 people and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has threatened to permanently close churches in New York City that hold worship services without his permission. A week ago he said that it would be “very dangerous” to reopen churches, saying that “it is not the time to start large gatherings of any kind.”

In a press conference yesterday, Mayor de Blasio was asked why the city is applying one standard to protestors and another to everyone else. De Blasio responded by saying,

When you see a nation, an entire nation simultaneously grappling with an extraordinary crisis seeded in 400 years of American racism… That’s not the same question as the understandably aggrieved store owner, or the devout religious person who wants to go back to services. This is something that’s not about which side of the spectrum you’re on. It’s about a deep, deep American crisis…

What de Blasio’s response misses is that America needs the church now more than ever because we are in a moment of crisis and because our nation is crying out for justice. Saying that opening churches is “not the same question” fails to grasp that right now our nation needs the hope that only the church can offer. De Blasio’s comments treat places of worship as if they are just another social activity, and under this reasoning, there is no urgent need to reopen them. But as people grapple with how to address injustice, civil unrest, and the devastation of a pandemic, our nation needs the church to proclaim the gospel. Church is not merely a social activity.

It is the gathered body of Christ and while it is true that church is not a building, we must not be cowed into believing that gathering as the body of Christ is a non-essential activity. Our nation needs the ministry of the church right now because we are currently witnessing the brokenness of a nation that is being devastated by the effects of sin, and people need to know that it is in the death and resurrection of Christ that sin and death are defeated.

Read the whole piece by MFC's Patience Griswold here. 


GiveMN Waives Processing Fee for Donations - Your Gift to Minnesota Family Council is More Crucial Than Ever


For a limited time, GiveMN will allow you to contribute to Minnesota Family Council without charging a processing fee. During this crisis, we are not shutting down. Instead, we are stepping up our efforts to bless churches, families, and communities in Minnesota by fighting for life, family, and religious freedom. Now, more than ever, your gift is crucial to ensuring that we can be YOUR champions for life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota. Click here now to make a tax-deductible donation to Minnesota Family Institute. 

Gray_Line.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-06 at 2.28.17 PM.png Abby Johnson Defied Planned Parenthood. Are You Ready to Hear Her Story in Person at Our Annual Dinner? BACK ON THE CALENDAR!Gray_Line.png

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 Due to the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, we have been compelled like many others to reschedule our event. We're pleased to announce that we’ve been able to arrange another date with our keynote speaker, Abby Johnson. Our 2020 Annual Dinner has been rescheduled for Thursday, September 17th. Keeping our guests safe is the most important consideration in making this move. With everything going on, we're glad to be holding our event at all!  

So we're pleased that Get in the Game: Fighting for Life and Dignity with pro-life superstar Abby Johnson will be held on Thursday, September 17th at the DoubleTree Bloomington. Registration has now reopened!

Please reply to this email if you have any questions about your registration. Again, we're thankful for your support: we couldn't fight for life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota without YOU backing us up! We are blessed to have you partnering with us, and we look forward to seeing you in September!  



Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

 Get Your Copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource GuideThe Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community for ALL students.

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same! Click to order your copy today:

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Support MFC When You Shop Online!amazon-smile-banner.jpg

Did you know that when you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon makes a donation to Minnesota Family Institute at no cost to you?



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strong families and communities through Christ. We are grateful for your partnership with us in prayer, legislative involvement and generous donations.
















































Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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