I wanted to quickly reach out personally and thank you for your support for our campaign these last few days. But first, I wanted to share my thoughts on the incredible moment of unrest we are in. The awful killing of George Floyd has people of all races and backgrounds — including peaceful protesters and thoughtful police officers — talking and listening to each other like never before, focused on the systemic oppression and police violence targeting Black communities.
But although more of us are listening than ever before, Donald Trump and his enablers are trying to steer us toward a much more ominous conclusion. We can either seize this moment to finally address the deep and pervasive stain of racism in our nation, or we can follow Donald Trump down an authoritarian path of violence and repression. That's the choice that lies before us.
We always say that the upcoming election will be one of the most important elections in years. Today, I believe we are less than 5 months away from the most consequential election in our nation's history.
We have never had such a need for strong, focused, and principled leaders in office fighting for a better future. Our response to a global pandemic that continues to kill our fellow citizens, our ability to tackle the original sin of pervasive racism, our willingness to combat climate change... All of this is on the line in November.
Holding our Democratic majority in the House is critical and your continued support is crucial to achieving that goal.
We could not, I could not, do this without you.
While these are deeply painful times there is one thing I know for sure — we will get through this if we work together.
If you’d like to stay up to date on what House Democrats are doing to fight for you and your families and ensure vital resources and relief funds are going where they belong, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for more regular updates.
Thank you again for your support,