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Welcome to the General Election

This week, Indiana held its primary election. We now officially have most of our nominees who will represent our party and secure more victories up and down the ballot this November.

Welcome to the general election!

And in less than two weeks, I’m excited that we’ll have our Indiana Republican State Convention, which will finalize our ticket by officially nominating our candidates for Lt. Governor and Attorney General. While I’m still disappointed we won’t all be together, I’m looking forward to putting our Party of Purpose on full display to a statewide audience through a TV broadcast and livestream.

Here at your Indiana Republican Party, we’re in full preparation mode for holding your state convention. As you know, the live broadcast will be on June 18 at 5:30 p.m. ET/4:30 p.m. CT. It’ll be aired by WISH-TV, and its statewide news partners. It’ll also be livestreamed, and available on our website for viewing after the event.

But new this week, we released a video for our delegates, explaining in detail how voting will work this year. We don’t want there to be any confusion, so please take a few minutes to watch this video. It takes you through when you’ll get your ballot in the mail, how rounds of voting will work, and how your votes will be counted.

And also don’t forget, if you’ve been elected or appointed to serve as a delegate, your deadline to pay your delegate fee is Tuesday, June 9. We’ve got all of this information – including the link to pay your delegate fees – updated at

It’s certainly an unusual year, but together, I know our hard work will earn Republicans more wins and more opportunities to continue to lead our state and our communities.

- Chairman Kyle Hupfer

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

We Don't Have More Time or Lives to Lose

Over the past week, many Hoosiers have joined in the nationwide protests of the death of George Floyd. Governor Holcomb stands with those who are peacefully exercising their first amendment right, while he condemns unnecessary and tragic violence and destruction.

Watch his full remarks on this important topic from Monday here
“I implore every Hoosier… to use your breath and your will in efforts to bridge, not divide. Violence in the streets makes progress harder… and sets us back from forming that more perfect union.”
In Indiana, we’ve made progress on supporting Hoosiers from diverse backgrounds, including passing Indiana’s first ever hate crimes law protecting 6.7 million Hoosiers, launching free training for in-demand jobs, and providing resources to address infant mortality in Indiana’s hardest hit areas.

But we’re not done yet. We must create a to-do list, with action steps including:

  • Better healthcare access
  • Affordable housing
  • Educational opportunity
  • Job training and placement
  • Urban economic development
  • Criminal justice reform

"George Floyd’s final words ‘I can’t breathe’ haunts and should forever remind us that every breathe that we take… that we have left should be devoted to making sure what happened to Mr. Floyd never happens again. We must harness, not squander, the energy generated in the aftermath of the Floyd injustice.”
Governor Holcomb is dedicated to creating an inclusive state that works for all Hoosiers and upholds the values of our great country. We have brighter days ahead, but it is going to take all of us working together to get there. 

2020 Indiana Republican State Convention
Congratulations to all delegates to the state convention elected on Tuesday!
Our 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention is now less than two weeks away. For the first time in state history, we’ll be broadcasting our convention LIVE on TV and on the internet. Tune in on Thursday, June 18 at 5:30 p.m. ET, and hear from all of our candidates for attorney general, Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, and a keynote address from Governor Eric Holcomb.

For more information, including a new video explaining voting procedures, visit
Congratulations, Primary Winners!

 Congratulations to all Hoosier Republicans who threw their hats into the ring to run for office this primary, and congratulations to all of our new Republican nominees. Together, we’ll work hard to secure more Republican victories up and down the ballot the November.

Here’s a list of our statewide and congressional candidates nominated on Tuesday:

Indiana: Best in the Midwest for Business
It’s official (again!). This week, Chief Executive magazine ranked Indiana as having the best business climate in the Midwest and the fifth-best business climate in the nation. With this strong foundation built by our Republican leaders, Indiana is well-positioned to continue recovering from COVID-19 and keep getting back on track!
We're Bouncing Back
As states and businesses across the country have begun their phased reopening, the economy is beginning to recover! The U.S. economy gained 2.5 million jobs in May and the unemployment rate dropped to 13.3 percent, down from 14.7 percent in April, according to the monthly employment report released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics! 
"We're going to be back higher next year than ever before." -President Donald Trump

After these numbers were released, the Dow Jones Industrial Average also rose by almost 800 points in premarket activity! Investors have begun to train their focus on the nation's reopening and positive signs of recovery.
“This recovery begins today. We’re going to do whatever it takes to get the American people through this pandemic.” -Vice President Mike Pence

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb extends public health emergency to July 4
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch promotes second round of broadband funding
Senator Todd Young says relief is on the way for small businesses
Senator Mike Braun sponsors 'Growing Climate Solutions Act'
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski proposes Grissom AF Base as future Space Command HQ
Congressman Jim Banks meets with African-American pastors in Fort Wayne
Congressman Jim Baird applauds National Science Foundation $2 million grant to Purdue
Congresswoman Susan Brooks promotes resources for Hoosier farmers
Congressman Greg Pence promises to uphold his responsibilities
Congressman Larry Bucshon helped pack lunches in Evansville
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth thanks Interchurch Food Pantry of Johnson County

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