News from Chrissy
Dear John, 

Like so many members of our community, my heart is heavy as we strive to create that more equitable and just union. As our elected Representative, I am listening and taking what I hear back to Washington so together we can address the racial inequality plaguing our systems.

In case you missed my recent message about racial inequality in America, you can read my full thoughts here

It has been so important to be amongst our community at this time, marching and standing up for Black men and women who have for far too long been the victims of police brutality. I will continue to update you on changes we're making at the Federal level to address this unjust inequity. The time to act is now. 

As we all know, our community is facing many challenges at this time, so I also wanted to share important updates regarding the economic and physical health of our Commonwealth.

In This E-Newsletter You Will Find:

Important Announcements and Resources
 — Including the latest number of COVID-19 cases in our Commonwealth, guidance for yellow phase, and details regarding our upcoming town hall, which will focus on educational resources for parents

What We're Working On — Including helping cities like Reading access federal funding, a bipartisan effort to address our national debt, and addressing racial inequality in America

Need Help?  — Including updates to PPP loans for small business owners, a new way people are receiving their Economic Impact Payment (EIP), and more 

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Important Announcements and Resources 

PA COVID-19 Cases Update as of June 5th at 12:30PM

  • Total positives: 74,385*
  • Total non-positives: 424,201**
  • Total fatalities: 5,886***
  • Chester County - positives/fatalities: 2,959 / 296
  • Berks County - positives/fatalities: 4,167 / 329
* Includes 2,093 probable cases
** Does not include anti-body testing
***While fatality data by age group is not yet reported, we know that 57% of hospitalizations are attributed to Pennsylvanians 65+

Visit the PA Department of Health's website for the most up-to-date information, including a comprehensive data spreadsheet.

As many of you are aware, both Chester and Berks counties are now in yellow phase! As we return to work, the PA Department of Labor & Industry shared this guidance to keep our coworkers and families safe. To see the governor's full reopening plan, click here

Upcoming Coronavirus Virtual Town Hall

Next week, I will host my 9th Coronavirus Virtual Town Hall, which will focus on educational resources for parents and families. This summer may look different than most, and I want to make sure we're providing families with great educational resources that children can utilize and spend time with when they're out of school. This will be a Facebook Live event, and we'll be taking your questions throughout. 

I'm grateful to be joined by two accomplished women, Dr. Carla Hayden and Jessica Rosenworcel.

About our guests: 

Dr. Carla Hayden was sworn in as the 14th Librarian of Congress on September 14, 2016. Hayden is the first woman and the first African American to lead the national library, was nominated to the position by President Barack Obama on February 24, 2016, and her nomination was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on July 13.

Jessica Rosenworcel, Federal Communications Commissioner, believes that the future belongs to the connected. She works to promote greater opportunity, accessibility, and affordability in our communications services in order to ensure that all Americans get a fair shot at 21st century success. She believes strong communications markets can foster economic growth and security, enhance digital age opportunity, and enrich our civic life.

Coronavirus Virtual Town Hall
You're invited to our 9th Coronavirus Virtual Town Hall.
Date: Thursday, June 11
Time: 12:00 - 1:00PM
To Participate: Join us on Facebook 
Note: If you cannot participate, full recordings can be found on our Town Hall page

What We're Working On

Securing Federal Funding for Our Local Community

Last week, I was proud to announce that the City of Reading has been awarded nearly $200,000 in federal grants, through the CARES Act, to assist in its effort to contain, mitigate the spread of, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

From the beginning, I have been clear that a successful response to this pandemic would require the coordinate of local, state, and federal officials. I’m grateful to Mayor Moran for his proactive measures. We are in this together, and, as we move towards reopening, we must continue to be vigilant and holistic in our response to this virus at every level.

Advocating for Smart Investments and a Balanced Budget

The COVID-19 has been both a health and economic crisis across our country. While there are still many unknowns about what the future of this virus holds, what should be clear to us all is that our top priority must be the safety of our citizenry. That is why we have proposed and passed robust legislation to deliver the necessary aid, both health and economic, to the American people.

I joined a bipartisan effort to ensure we continue down this path of necessary relief. When the crisis abates, we as a Congress must collective address the budget and work deliberately towards medium- and long-term deficit reduction.

Need Help?

Guidance for our communities is changing daily, so we want to be sure you have the most up-to-date information. We asked our response teams to update their most frequently asked question. Here's what they said:

Protecting Small Businesses

"I'm a small business owner in Reading. What local resources are available to help me?"
  • On May 27th, the City of Reading launched its Small Business Emergency Fund.  Like the PPP, loans under this fund will not need to be repaid if certain requirements are met. The application closes Wednesday, June 10, 2020. Learn more about the program and apply online here.
  • Likewise, Berks County has launched the Small Business Restart Loan Program for local small businesses. Applications will be accepted beginning Monday, June 15, 2020. Click here for more information. Applications will be available online here soon.

"I'm a small business owner worried about qualifying for PPP loan forgiveness. What is Congress doing to help?"

  • On May 28th, I voted for, and the House of Representatives passed, the 
    Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Flexibility Act, amending certain loan forgiveness rules and deferring payroll taxes. This legislation increases the current limitation on nonpayroll taxes (rent, mortgage interest, etc.) for loan forgiveness from 25% to 40%, removes retroactivity on the increase of loan maturity period from 2 to 5 years, extends borrower deferral, and more.
  • The Senate passed the PPP Flexibility Act on June 3, 2020, and the bill is now awaiting the President’s signature.

I am here to help. Please reach out to [email protected] and a member of my rapid response team will answer your questions or connect you with someone who can.

Navigating Unemployment Compensation

"I received an unemployment check, but I never filed. Has my identity been compromised?"

  • Sadly, there are some out there who are trying to take advantage of our fellow Pennsylvanians during this vulnerable time. If you receive notice of an UC claim, but didn't file, your personally identifiable information may be compromised. Please report UC fraud here

  • To address this and other concerns, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry held a town hall last week. The conversations covered the new federal programs and guidance for those returning to work after COVID-related shutdowns. A recording of the town hall can be found here.

I am here to help. Please reach out to [email protected] and a member of my team will answer your questions or connect you with someone who can.

Receiving Taxes and Rebates

"I received a MetaBank debit card in the mail, and the letter says my Economic Impact Payment (EIP) is loaded to the card. Is this a scam?"
  • This is not a scam. Some people will be receiving their EIP in the form of a card instead of a check. If you accidentally lost or discarded your card, you are eligible for a replacement. For more information, check out some frequently asked questions here.

"I haven't received my Economic Impact Payment (EIP) yet, what should I do?"

  • While over 150 million Americans have already received their EIP, we are happy to help those who are still waiting. If you haven't received your EIP, please fill out this form.

I am here to help. Please reach out to [email protected] and a member of my team will answer your questions or connect you with someone who can.

Our website is always a resource for you and your family. Whether you are looking for ways to help others, information on filing your taxes, or ideas to keep your children engaged in academics, you'll find what you're looking for at Or, if you'd rather talk with our staff, give us a call at (202) 225-4315.

Recently, we've archived all of our e-newsletters on our website. To view all of our weekly updates, click here

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We want to hear from you. Please stay in touch and let us know what you thought of this e-newsletter. You can call one of our offices or fill out our contact form. As always, please subscribe to this e-newsletter to keep up with what is happening regarding coronavirus, our many events, and the work we're doing for Pennsylvanians. Feel free to pass this link along to friends of our community as well so they can keep in touch too. We're all in this together. 

1218 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4315
M-F 9:00am-6:00pm
709 E. Gay Street
Suite 4
West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: (610) 883-5050
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

815 Washington Street
Suite 2-48
Reading, PA 19601
Phone: (610) 295-0815
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

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