Hello there,
Arlington has an upcoming special election for County Board on July 7th and we have a fantastic Democratic nominee, Takis Karantonis, to support! Despite Arlington's solid blue tilt, Democrats have lost or come close to losing in previous special elections due to low voter turnout, therefore we cannot take this race for granted.
Our inaugural AYD Phone Bank for Takis event will be happening TONIGHT, June 5th at 7 pm via Google Meet. We will first go over training on video chat, then mute the audio aspect and support one another via the chat function while making calls. We recommend that you use your laptop for Google Meet and your phone for phone banking.
Google Meet Link:
Phone Bank Sign Up:
In addition, AYD has created a Slack for all of us to participate in during the 2020 campaign season. While we most likely will not be able to bond on long car rides to swing districts and swing states, we can all use Slack to talk to each other about our experiences campaigning digitally this year. I encourage you all to join the AYD Campaigns Slack using the button below, even if you are unable to attend tonight.
We hope to see you all on the phones later, and stay tuned for future campaign updates!
Best regards,
Ian White
Campaigns Director
Arlington Young Democrats