Help end the war on Black
“We all have real decisions to be
making right now. Which side are you on? It’s very clear right now
that there is a demonstrated, sustained commitment for the discomfort
so that people will say out loud, ‘I will defend black
life.'” 1
—Jessica Byrd, leader of the
electoral justice project at the Movement For Black Lives
Dear Friend,
What we’ve all seen since Monday shows that another America is
- Protests for Black lives have taken place in all 50
- All four officers involved in the murder of George Floyd have now
been charged.3
- In New York City, organizers are fighting to move $1 billion from
policing to community services.4
- Minneapolis Public Schools terminated their contract with the
Minneapolis Police Department — and members of the City Council are
publicly calling to disband the police force and reimagine public
safety and services.5,6,7
These massive shifts in public opinion and local policy are a
direct result of these protests, which are themselves possible because
of decades of Black-led organizing. The promise of a liberated future
— not just ending police violence and mass incarceration but investing
in housing, health, education, community, and care — is being called
into being by Black organizers and activists, and we are honored to
follow their leadership.
As Jews and allies, especially white Jews, we must continue to show
up, using all of our spiritual, political and intellectual resources,
to end the war on Black lives in this country.
Here are 4 ways you can take action in solidarity with the
fight for Black lives today:
1. Demand justice for
Breonna Taylor
Breonna Taylor should be turning 27 today. Breonna was a Louisville
EMT who risked her life daily during the COVID-19 pandemic. In March,
Louisville police entered her home at night without warning, without
identifying themselves, and murdered her in her own home.
We cannot fight for an end to police violence without naming and
remembering the Black women who are killed by police.
Across the country, people are organizing a #BirthdayForBreonna —
action by signing Color of Change’s petition demanding the police
officers who killed Breonna be fired.
2. Donate to bail funds
across the country
Right now, hundreds of thousands of people are hitting the streets
in defense of Black lives — and being met with brutal violence and
repression from police forces across the country. There’s a long-held
Jewish value of freeing the captive who has been unjustly imprisoned
— matir assurim. This is a moment to embrace that tradition
and expand it outwards for everyone rising up in this moment.
is a list of Movement For Black Lives verified bail funds that we
encourage you to give to generously.
3. Watch the Movement for
Black Lives virtual rally
We are proud to follow the leadership of the Movement for Black
Lives (M4BL). Today, as part of their call to end the war on Black
lives, M4BL held a virtual rally to celebrate this week of action and
stay grounded for the fight ahead.
the recording of today's rally. Then check
out resources from the Movement for Black Lives to prepare for the
fight ahead.
4. Download the
#Jews4BlackLives sign or change your profile

Here is a sign you can use this weekend and beyond. We know Jews,
and especially Black Jews, have been at every American protest for a
more just multiracial democracy. Our people have survived genocide and
fascism, deportation and slavery. Our ancestors fought for liberation
and democracy. We are rooted in a legacy of pursuing justice. And we
are rising up as a multiracial Jewish community for Black
the sign or change
your Facebook profile picture now.
Thank you for taking action
in defense of Black lives.
The eruption of police violence against protesters in video after
video proves the point: we can’t restore an immoral order.
At Bend the Arc, we’re grateful for the leadership of Black Jews
and our partners at Movement for Black Lives, Color of Change, and
countless Black organizers who are creating change all across the
We’re also grateful for our friends at Jews for Racial and Economic
Justice (JFREJ) in New York City for their long and active history in
organizing for Black lives and police accountability — join
their efforts here. And to our friends at Jewish
Community Action, our affiliate in Minneapolis, who have long been
active on issues of racial justice and policing in Minneapolis, and
are reorienting their organizing to support the protests and advocate
for new, just policy — join their efforts here.
Thank you for showing up to end the war on Black lives. We rise as
one so we can thrive as many.
— The Bend the Arc Team
- Time, 'Which
Side Are You On?' Organizers Jessica Byrd and Jess Morales Rocketto
Discuss the Black Lives Matter Movement
- USA Today, Tracking
protests across the USA in the wake of George Floyd's death
- NBC News, 3
more Minneapolis officers charged in George Floyd death, Derek Chauvin
charges elevated
- Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, Save
NYers, Not the NYPD Budget!
- Buzzfeed News, Minneapolis
Public Schools Voted To End Its Contract With The City’s Police After
The Death Of George Floyd
- Time, I'm
a Minneapolis City Council Member. We Must Disband the Police—Here's
What Could Come Next
- Insider, Minneapolis
City Council members look to disband the police department as schools
and other city agencies cut ties with police