Dear John ,

Contact tracing is vital if we’re going to get out of lockdown safely, hug our loved ones again and save lives.

But instead of letting local public health teams do the job, Matt Hancock has decided to hand over our track and trace system to Serco, a multinational private outsourcing company which is already failing.

Yesterday, the Guardian revealed that Serco’s CEO says he wants the contract to "cement the position of the private sector" in our NHS. Don't let him get away with it.
Take action to scrap Serco
Serco is already failing to deliver:
  • The head of Serco has said that the contact tracing system won’t be operational until September and is likely to be “imperfect and clunky"
  • Serco has only tracked 1749 people so far, with many staff sitting idle.
  • Staff say they have no idea what they should be doing, are paid near minimum wage and have had minimum training - a recipe for disaster.
Serco has scammed us before:
  • They were convicted of fraud for the electronic tagging scandal, and fined £23 million
  • Their breast cancer hotline only trained staff for 1 hour before putting them on the phones to talk to distressed patients
  • They falsified NHS data 252 times when they ran a GP out of hours service
They're not fit to run such an important system to get us out of this pandemic safely. But we're being asked to trust them with our lives.
Don't trust Serco? Sign the petition
Serco is unqualified, untrustworthy, and unfit to run our track and trace system.

If we're going to get out of lockdown safely, and begin to get our lives back on track after the chaos of the pandemic while avoiding a disastrous second wave, we need our track and trace system to work. 

The system could be run by local public health teams and local NHS services, including GPs and NHS labs. We can do this LOCALLY and in the PUBLIC SECTOR with EXPERTS so that it really works.

Sign the petition to Matt Hancock to demand he ends Serco's role in contact tracing, and puts local public health teams back in charge of testing and contact tracing.
Demand change - sign now!
The government has got so much wrong in their response to coronavirus, with disastrous consequences - and you've resisted their dangerous decisions every step of the way.

THANK YOU for everything you've done to hold them to account and protect our NHS during this crisis.

Don't let them get away with this one.

Cat, Pascale, Ellen, Alice and Chris - the We Own It team

PS Don't forget to share this link with your friends and family so they can sign too!
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