Dear John, We are at a crucial point in history for racial justice. There are no neutral actors here: Silence itself is a dangerous act. So I'm asking you to raise your voice for a world where Black Lives Matter. Not just because Black and Latinx Americans care most about climate change. Not just because the climate fight would be nothing without a diverse movement. Not just because we need every community to join us in our fight for climate solutions for it to succeed. Not just because we need to be able to protest without entire populations fearing for their lives. But because the fight for a safe climate future is a fight to save lives. And millions of Americans are fighting for their lives right now. Please do what you can to join the protests safely. At 5:00pm, join the 16th Street Vigil Against Racism, then at 6:00pm, protest at Freedom Plaza with Black Lives Matter DC. Here at CCAN, we know that the fight for climate justice and racial justice is inextricably linked. Read this Washington Post op-ed about how people of color disproportionately bear the impacts of climate change, from extreme storms to flooding from sea level rise to heat waves to air pollution. It’s also no coincidence that fossil-fueled power plants and refineries are disproportionately located in black neighborhoods, leading to poor air quality and putting people at higher risk for coronavirus. The forces behind the climate crisis are the same forces behind racial inequality. As meteorologist Eric Holthaus put it, climate change is “what happens when the lives of marginalised people and non-human species are viewed as expendable.” Systemic racism continues to permeate every aspect of our society — from brutal killings, to the fact that the coronavirus, which has now taken over 100,000 lives, is disproportionately killing black people, to the fact that people of color are disproportionately affected by runaway climate change. We have to work together for permanent and durable solutions that protect every single person of every single race — particularly the most vulnerable — now and in the future. That’s why we will continue to join forces with justice advocacy groups to shine light on police brutality and work for solutions everywhere to this ongoing tragedy. And we ask you to do the same. Please do what you can to use your voice to demand justice, accountability, and reform. Protest safely. At 5:00pm, join the 16th Street Vigil Against Racism, then at 6:00pm, protest at Freedom Plaza with Black Lives Matter DC. Remember to wear a mask and stay six feet away from others at all times. Read more tips on what to bring and what to do to stay safe. The fight for justice will be a long one, but it becomes more crucial every day. We’re glad to be fighting with you. In solidarity, Denise Robbins -- Further reading: Climate Activists: Here’s Why Your Work Depends on Ending Police Violence - by Dany Sigwalt I’m a black climate expert. Racism derails our efforts to save the planet - by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson The climate crisis is racist. The answer is anti-racism - by Eric Holthaus Want to support our work? Click here to make a one-time or monthly donation. Did you receive this email from a friend? Click to sign up for updates. View this email in your web browser CCAN Action Fund is the grassroots arm of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. The mission of the CCAN Action Fund is to effect change in public policy at local, state and national levels to directly address the threat of global warming. Through voter education, lobbying and participation in the electoral process, we seek to move our country into a leadership position on the most urgent global issue of our time — the climate crisis. Update your contact information | Update your email subscriptions You can also unsubscribe at any time.