From PPI Progress Report <[email protected]>
Subject Reality bites Trump Back
Date June 5, 2020 6:53 PM
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Donald Trump is a wretched president but a master illusionist. His greatest skill isn’t solving real-world problems. It is concocting “alternative...

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** Reality bites Trump back

by Will Marshall, PPI President

Donald Trump is a wretched president but a master illusionist. His greatest skill isn’t solving real-world problems. It is concocting “alternative facts” that allow his supporters to evade unpleasant realities.

Now, however, the president is beset by three intractable realities even he can’t disguise or spin: a deadly virus, an inert economy with mass unemployment, and public outrage over racist cops.

His bungling of the coronavirus pandemic has cost tens of thousands of American lives and prolonged a job-killing economic freeze. These painful realities have penetrated the make-believe world of Trumpistan, in which an infallible Trump valiantly battles the forces of darkness: the media, the “deep state,” immigrants, Democrats, socialists, faithless allies, etc.

Reality has bitten back, and Trump is flailing.
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A Statement from PPI President Will Marshall
by Will Marshall, PPI President

The depraved killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and too many more black Americans remind us that we can never stop struggling for racial justice. The PPI community is aggrieved and sickened by these deaths, and by the despicable conduct of a president who stokes racial fear and animosity for political gain.

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The HEROES Act fixes what the CARES Act broke
by Tressa Pankovits, Reinventing America's Schools Project

Conservatives call the House Democrats’ Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act a “gigantic political scam ([link removed]) .” Senate Republicans say HEROES ([link removed]) , passed by the House on May 15th, is “dead on arrival ([link removed]) when it reconvenes. As they negotiate ([link removed]) with Democrats, Republicans should think carefully about certain student loan relief provisions in the bill.

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COVID-19’s Impact on Communities of Color Sheds Light on Health Care Disparities, Need for Action
by Arielle Kane, Director of Health Care

The coronavirus pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on communities of color. Essential workers — in direct care, ([link removed]) grocery stores and delivery — are disproportionately Black ([link removed]) . Essential workers are more likely to get the virus ([link removed]) because their jobs don’t lend themselves to social distancing and working from home.

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Medicaid Will Be Crucial Safety Net in COVID-19 Crisis
by Josh Gordon, Senior Health Care Policy Fellow

The coronavirus pandemic has not deterred President Trump and Republicans from trying to kill the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which would strip millions of Americans of health care coverage at the worst possible time. However, Medicaid — significantly strengthened in the ACA — will be a lifeline for the country during this crisis.
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